Does Coby have COC?

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Gorosei Informer



The Blackbeard Pirates, including the traitorous Kuzan, Shiryu, and Pizarro, are gathered on Beehive Island, celebrating their recent victory over Garp. The atmosphere is tense, as the pirates revel in their triumph, unaware of the storm that's about to hit them.

Suddenly, Coby bursts onto the scene, tears streaming down his face as he witnesses the injured Garp lying on the ground. His eyes flare with determination and sorrow, a powerful mix that triggers the awakening of his secret devil fruit power.

COBY: (voice trembling) How... How could you? How could you betray us, Kuzan?!

KUZAN: (grinning) Oh, little Coby. Didn't think you had it in you to confront me.

Coby takes a deep breath, and as his tears fall to the ground, something incredible happens. The tears transform into razor-sharp blades, swirling around him like a cyclone.

COBY: (voice shaking) I've awakened my true power, Kuzan! The power of the Hito Hito ni Mi Wika, Cryboy, The Helpless One!

The Blackbeard Pirates burst into laughter, underestimating Coby and his newfound ability.

SHIRYU: (mocking) A Cryboy? How adorable!

COBY: (determined) You won't be laughing for long!

Coby unleashes a burst of his Color of Crying haki, a parody of Conqueror's haki. The force of his tears sends the Blackbeard Pirates flying in all directions, crashing into trees and buildings.

PIZARRO: (dazed) What... what just happened?

COBY: (raising his voice) Prepare to face the wrath of my sobbing!

Coby charges forward, his tears turning into a whirling tempest of deadly blades. He slashes through the pirate crew with precision and speed, leaving them bewildered and defenseless.

KUZAN: (stumbling) You... You're stronger than I thought, Coby.

COBY: (teary-eyed) This is for Garp and all the innocent lives you've hurt!

With a final, powerful swing, Coby sends Kuzan crashing into a mountain, creating a comical indentation in the shape of his body.

COBY: (panting) Garp... Are you alright?

GARP: (wheezing) I'll... I'll live, thanks to you, Coby.

The scene ends with Coby wiping away his tears, the blades dissipating into thin air. He stands proudly, a newfound hero with a unique power fueled by his emotions.

COBY: (smiling) Don't mess with the Cryboy, guys. My tears will bring justice and laughter!

And as the defeated Blackbeard Pirates groan in pain, Coby's victory, fueled by his tears and overwhelming determination, becomes a legend whispered among the islands, forever known as the day the Cryboy triumphed over darkness.

Goat Malik.

Yet they still don't see whats going on here, like Reddit with "GoatTAC" before.
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