Does Coby have COC?

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Linlin was already next to Kaido and we saw they fought to stalemate + kaido consider their fight "death challenge" already
No point showing her in that panel

While everyone shown on panels are those who weren't in Wano at the time
Garp missing out means Kaido didn't view him equal to even BM/Oden/Shanks
Its just simply other pirates lol. Cant compare a pirate to marine it'd look weird

Gorosei Informer

Hopefully Akainu finally leaves his desk:specialmeh:



Akainu, the fearsome Admiral of the Marines, is seated at his desk, engrossed in paperwork. He finishes signing a document and attempts to stand up, ready to take action. However, his desk seems to have other plans.

AKAINU: (grumbling) Alright, time to get out there and show those pirates who's boss.

As Akainu tries to move away, the desk mysteriously sprouts arms, blocking his path.

AKAINU: (startled) What in the world?!

The World's Strongest Desk, now revealed to be sentient, refuses to let Akainu leave.

AKAINU: (growling) You think you can stop me? I'm Admiral Akainu!

The desk remains silent, its wooden surface shimmering with an intimidating aura.

AKAINU: Fine, if you want a fight, then so be it!

Akainu takes a battle-ready stance, preparing to unleash his fiery magma powers upon the defiant piece of furniture.

AKAINU: Magma Fist!

He thrusts his fist toward the desk, but it swiftly dodges with surprising agility, using its sturdy legs to leap out of the way.

AKAINU: (amazed) It can move?!

The desk retaliates by launching a barrage of office supplies at Akainu, pens and staplers soaring through the air with deadly accuracy. Akainu dodges and deflects them with ease, impressed by the desk's unexpected prowess.

AKAINU: Not bad! But I won't let you keep me from my duties!

Akainu summons his Conqueror's Haki, his immense willpower shaking the entire room. The desk responds with its own Furniture Haki, emanating an aura of unyielding strength.

The clash of their Haki creates shockwaves, shattering windows and rattling the nearby Marines.

MARINE: (trembling) W-What's happening in there?!


Akainu and the desk stand face to face, their Haki battling like titans. The room trembles under the immense pressure, papers and office supplies swirling around in chaos.

AKAINU: (grinning) Impressive, desk! You've earned my respect!

The desk seems to pause for a moment before acknowledging Akainu's words with a slight nod.

The intense showdown reaches a stalemate, with neither Akainu nor the desk able to overpower the other. They both take a step back, a newfound mutual respect evident in their eyes.

AKAINU: (dusting off his uniform) Well, it seems we've reached an impasse, desk.

The desk returns to its motionless state, resuming its role as a regular piece of office furniture.

AKAINU: I suppose we'll have to continue this battle another time. Until then, keep up the good work!

Akainu turns and heads toward the door, leaving the office behind. As he walks away, he can't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with the World's Strongest Desk, the unlikely opponent that gave him a run for his money.


Akainu steps out into the hallway, the lingering aura of their clash still palpable.

MARINE: (whispering) Did you hear that, the desk fought the Admiral!

Another Marine nods in disbelief, spreading the news of the epic battle between Akainu and his inanimate adversary.

As the tale spreads throughout Marineford, the legend of the World's Strongest Desk becomes a topic of both awe and amusement, forever etching itself into the annals of Marine history.
Linlin was already next to Kaido and we saw they fought to stalemate + kaido consider their fight "death challenge" already
No point showing her in that panel

While everyone shown on panels are those who weren't in Wano at the time
Garp missing out means Kaido didn't view him equal to even BM/Oden/Shanks
Katakuri isn't on the list either, it's gonna be alright though buddy.
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