Does Coby have COC?

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No I only mentioned them because you mentioned prime Kobe being weaker them. The strongest marine being stronger than them is only natural tho

I wouldn't put Garp below any besides Roger in his crew. It’s the same with prime Koby in comparison to the strawhats

They still stomp Sanji
The best u can give coby EOS is admiral level, sanji and zoro defeating admirals before EOS, helmeppo is actually irrelevent he will be lucky to be YC EOS :seriously:
That's why Smoker is so interesting. He is a grown man with strong principles, but he is ready for a change in worldview. His view of things is changing gradually before our eyes.
Smoker's arc has always been about him slowly realizing that the world government is corrupt and that the ones who are actually bringing justice are the strawhats.
It's interesting that Egghead might now be the arc where the whole world realizes the truth about the WG after the big incident that has been teased. And this might be what finally brings Smoker to the other side.
We also know that Smoker should be around the area since he's been heading for Vegapunk ever since Punk Hazard.:pepebusi:
Because some of them(very small amount) think that if they can't put sanji over coby(due to his "imaginery" ceiling of garp level) so they also drag down zoro
he will be lucky to be an admiral by eos
whole other conversation to say he will be as strong as garp was by the time the story is done

its insane to expect this
to go from where he is now to someone capable of rivaling roger by story end without some sort of timeskip . zoro and sanji be stronger than an admiral as well. either way you cut it .
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