Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Because it's funny af
His retarded facial expression with the half opened mouth are already funny enough and when he starts talking 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣he just pops out bullshit nonstop
The build up to the 2016 elections was the greatest thing ever solely because of him 😂
Don't be racist . Its not good manners.


Ok. Let's try to deconstruct the concept here and I will try to understand your point of view.

I have two questions here:

What is "woke" for you precisely ?


What was "woke" in what i said previously ?
I don't know what you said woke was.

You are woke because you believe sex and gender are different things, you believe you can only have an opinion if you have... not sure how to say that in english but talk spot. Pretty much making you someone who has dictador thoughts on how things should work.
Germans need more guns
In my opinion not really. But at the moment we have a few problems with more violant migrants in larger citys, a gouverment which cuts your personal rights more and more (Covid 19 was an eye opener) and fails to implement applicable law.

I'm not a fan of guns and I prefer not to need one, but if you feel insecure in these times I can fully understand if you want to have one in your house. But unlike in Amerika,there should be psychological tests if you are able to wear a gun with responsability.