Reality: sanji bullies king copy that is better then him in almost anything bar haki without effort while pinzoro huffing and puffing in 2v1
Real reality, Lanji does nothing but land cheapshots, hits S-Shark when he had his flame down and did absolutely nothing, 6v1 the weakest seraphim, the same one that couldn't kill Usopp, Nami or Robin. Called a retard by the smartest person alive, fodderized by the dom shoes.
Zoro casually stopped the seraphim that had a Younkou sweating, stopped 2 seraphim at the same time while protecting Kaku and Lucci. Lanji is nowhere near King and will never be. Let him get haki on Coby's level before you even dream of scaling a basic haki bum above anyone above paper wall level and faster than a snail.