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would love to know if kiku protected someone or if she abstained because of the Cal thing, because she'd definitely spite flower if she had the power to, so her dying is very telling
I’m up for a Flowa vote if you are
Hmmm I prefer Pot or even Prof
The read back - didn't seem enough of a reason to label you scum so early on, especially considering Ekko's flip. Really dont see you being on the same team.
I will repeat: if I was scum, I wouldn't know Kekko is an ally. No one who went after him is cleared.



Hmmm I prefer Pot or even Prof

I will repeat: if I was scum, I wouldn't know Kekko is an ally. No one who went after him is cleared.

just look at who tried to move away from him after he claimed anglais and a bunch of abilities, mafia team would notice he was scum after they saw townies mentioning how his role seemed strong
making statement like this - come across as very town though. I am fairly confident with my assessment of you

just look at who tried to move away from him after he claimed anglais and a bunch of abilities, mafia team would notice he was scum after they saw townies mentioning how his role seemed strong
Ah yes. I tend to see people who commented on his role being strong more favorly. @Dr_Professor83 did not consider it strong at the time

Which errrr means he's either scum or important


would love to know if kiku protected someone or if she abstained because of the Cal thing, because she'd definitely spite flower if she had the power to, so her dying is very telling
What is the "Cal thing", what has he claimed?

Think chances are high that Kiku used her ability and saved someone else from being killed. In the recent OLF round I just played there was also a role which sacrificed himself right at the first night, so I assume chances are really high that Kiku would have done the same here. And I´d rather say that after the current things happened last rounds Flower would rather spite Kiku but I don´t see Flower just killing Kiku at the very first opportunity.
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