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Could as well flip a coin if I should vote Cal or TAC at this point. TAC needs to claim abilities. And yeah, problem with Cal is that it really doesn´t make much sense for Pekoms to have a mirror.
Pekoms for Whole Cake doesn't make a ton of sense either because the whole arc focus around Big Mom and her family, not so much the extra crew pieces. And didn't Pekoms eventually help the SHs as well?
Vote lynch Cal

UwU moved too quick and I town read TAC goin here

Was just confused on direction cause it's a madhouse rn
That's because there's no town leaders here right now. Don't worry, I'm around now. I do think Cal is the right direction here. I think his play and claim deserve scrutiny. I also think it's fair to say some of this misdirection and chaos comes from him continuing to be a leading candidate.
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