I have all these without physically demanding job:pepehands:

On topic: change job
Or you'll have to retire at 45
A lot of times I just have to stay still in one place for an extended period I figured that's what's causing this fatigue in my lower back

And probably a slight deviation I noticed

Yeah overall def thinking to change job I think those aren't good signs, I had some symptoms lile not being able to stay in one place for 30 or so minutes without fatigue or neck cracking even like 4-5 years ago, now it feels more aggravated

It's become quite stressful thinking over all of this. I don't even think of the pension at this rate what do I need it for at 65 when I will probably have more health problems at that point, or wont even make it to that age lol.
Yeah overall def thinking to change job I think those aren't good signs, I had some symptoms lile not being able to stay in one place for 30 or so minutes without fatigue or neck cracking even like 4-5 years ago, now it feels more aggravated
Sounds shit, good you're noticing it in time.
I don't even think of the pension at this rate what do I need it for at 65 when I will probably have more health problems at that point, or wont even make it hell.
😬😬😬😬 idk about your circumstances but you should definitely look for something else and go for further education if you have the chance. Too many people with these shitty physical labour jobs age prematurely and die early.