This isn't game relevant, you don't have to humor me but let me explain the biggest reason I'm sticking my neck out for Mid.
this is the stuff that genuinely makes me irate on behalf of any player struggling to play in a more conventional manner. It is *very fucking obvious* that Mid himself is literally like this outside of games. It extends outside Mafia. He vagueposts everywhere.
Midnight has trouble communicating his thoughts effectively. Whether you think this should be allowed due to indirectly enabling his lack of communicative skills is your own thing.
(I'm excluding his past trolling antics- bad boy btw - damaging his chances at being treated like an actual human rather than a troll is his own fault, but I have a hard time seeing him being just a troll given.)
i dont really care what u think
i am well aware of how he is like outside of games and that he has trouble communicating his thoughts but thats not the issue
im not asking for him to drop fully formed cases and iso's on ppl
its literally the bare minimum here
its not hard to simply say "yes" if someone asks u if u have mech or not
he is fully capable of that yet he ignores everyone instead and acts like its ur fault for it
regardless of alignment, it is extremely hard to play a game based on teamwork with someone who cant cooperate on a basic level