you know my frienden.. en días como estos i wish @Zolo would stil be with us.. rulen without your enemy is boring..
hi my new frienden :)
That Tupac title always makes me laugh hard lmfao. Considering The Simpsons had killer dolphins going on a rampage/revolution and Tupac has appeared in the Simpsons IIRC, this could have been possible in The Simpsons at least?
Speaking of Tupac too, ever heard this AMAZING remix?!:
I LOVE the Gerudo Valley theme SO MUCH and never thought it could get better but HOLY HELL, Tupac's song goes AMAZINGLY WELL with it! I cannot unhear it without Tupac rapping over it now! Truly ebony and ivory, the ultimate harmony!
Speaking of Tupac too, ever heard this AMAZING remix?!:
I LOVE the Gerudo Valley theme SO MUCH and never thought it could get better but HOLY HELL, Tupac's song goes AMAZINGLY WELL with it! I cannot unhear it without Tupac rapping over it now! Truly ebony and ivory, the ultimate harmony!