that is why we have so many favelas too,all those people moved into hill and builds their improvised houses there.
their houses are made out of hills??
how does that even work
what do they dig it out like a burrow
I don't know about other country but for US and France :
Was only speaking about us
I dont know jack about the french
- The news are for the most part liberal (entry right) we have only one real leftist news outlet
And other stations all are heavily left leaning
with say one exception
who's clearly not apart of the status quo
- Big tech are right not left. Who do you think Elon musk is ?
Elon musk is not
but that's a exception to the rule
and besides before elon bought it
it was owned by a liberal
who actively censored conservative commentators eg andrew tate and alex jones
You are completely confusing your left and your right..
no im very clear on what left and right would be
jordon peterson is right and say destiny is left
it's just that you are changing meaning to make it seem like the democrat party ie the left wing party are right wing when in reality that title solely belongs to the repubibicans
and the fact
you used elon as a example shows you know that im clearly to have a understanding of left and right
or at least have a understanding, you can label out to use as a argument