It just means he is progressive, being leftist goes beyond just feminism.
and what is that
what goes beyond it
what makes the liberal any different to you, the leftist
Yes, that's a sociological fact.
sure men run the world
that's why suicide rates are so high among males not cause they are having a bad life but because actually they have a perfect grand life with millions of dollars
maybe in your fantasy liberal beliefs but reality dont care about 'sociological facts'' ie proganda by liberal idiots
facts are men are struggling financially and not doing well
I explained it well enough
your insistence on calling everyone opposite to you politically names
derogatory language is used cause you dislike them, you think it's happenstance that the enemies of you are being labeled bad terms
IT'S CAUSE YOU DISLIKE THEM, That's the causation
you are being dishonest. anyone who is rational can tell this