Speaking of condoms, what's your favorite type of condom?

I find the classic regular trojans get the job done without much fuss. People that use ribbed and flavored and shit like that are really just compensating for lack of inches imo.
Their favorite type is prolly some used shit thrown in a garbage bin becoz that's how they were conceived and hence such hate for condoms.
These losers support characters that directly support tyranny and slavery, are nothing but slaves of incels like Celestial dragons but come to talk as if they are better. Only devil worshippers would support these slave admirals. What will you teach your children? I support some character that enslaved, killed and made innocent people like you suffer? Shameless.
The worst thing about admiral fangirls is when they hate Luffy and call the people who love this story because it's the main character's journey "Condomtards", lol. Like??? Did you miss the point of One Piece?

Imagine reading One Piece and hating the main character.
The worst thing about admiral fangirls is when they hate Luffy and call the people who love this story because it's the main character's journey "Condomtards", lol. Like??? Did you miss the point of One Piece?

Imagine reading One Piece and hating the main character.
The main character that is ready to die for freedom of others. They support devils and hate jesus. Its over for them at life.
These losers support characters that directly support tyranny and slavery, are nothing but slaves of incels like Celestial dragons but come to talk as if they are better. Only devil worshippers would support these slave admirals. What will you teach your children? I support some character that enslaved, killed and made innocent people like you suffer? Shameless.
pirates are worse
The main character that is ready to die for freedom of others. They support devils and hate jesus. Its over for them at life.
I can't comprehend their anti-Luffy agenda only to support side characters that are not even necessary for the plot.

It's really sad to read this story, that is about Luffy's dream and his nakama, only to support side characters and hate the main character because he is "too strong".