He won't look bad regardless,8/10 is a high rating and means that he won't get defeated this chapter.
8/10 is not a high rating

If Kizaru got "9/10" when it was "9/10" for Luffy too, Kizaru getting "8/10" can imply that Luffy's rating is even higher than last chapter's and that Lance doesn't want to disclose it

- Title prediction: "The Emperor Monkey D. Luffy" (Kizaru -> Sentomaru -> Kuma -> Luffy)
- Editor's preview: "what will be the outcome of Luffy vs Kizaru?"
- Redon's GIF: Luffy in Gear 5
- Other less reliable info: AhmedYehya rated the chapter a solid 9/10 for Luffy fans

Time will tell :myman: