[FNZ] Role Madness Avatar - The Last Airbender Mafia [Game Ended - Mafia + Indie Faction + Neutral Indie Victory]

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Being superbulletproof would render an existence of a super kill useless in the game in the first place.

Muu's role literally said "You will survive the first otherwise successful regular attempt at taking your life"

The GF. The GF can survive only a regular kill. The person who is trying to frame me clearly doesn't understand the setup and is probably a newbie.
so azula can survive the first attempt too
I dont buy that super protections cant be in play, the sozin comet for example made the fire benders super modified, so if one had a normal bp or a normal kill, they would become super modified, aka super kills& super bp.


A fiery tail paints across the sky, leaving a streak of crimson and gold. Mesmerizing in its beauty, it masks the true horror and calamity it brings. The ambitions of a nation reignite in burning flames as the rest of the world braces for impact. The comet has returned...

Sozin's Comet passes near the Earth this cycle! For the duration of this cycle, all players with -Fire Bender - tags will receive the Strongly Empowered Status!
Strongly Empowered players gain the following:
- They can perform one double action this cycle without consuming shots. (Does not apply to lethal actions)
- Their protections, lethal abilities, and innate kill immunities this cycle are all super-modified.
- They all gain a 1x regular bulletproof this cycle.


@hime @Ekkologix

I was just going to say that you were crushed last night so wouldnt survive any kill but you could be rolecrush immune lmao. Lemme check the flipped roles and see if they have any passive immunities.
Holy shit. A random ass liar lies in a ~game of lies~, and somehow I am superkill proof, crush proof and xyz before actually believing that it's a lie

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