1. They all said that zoro used advanced coc last chapter

2. They were saying that it's impossible for kizaru to be defeated this early

3. They were saying that lucci still has something up his sleeve etc
No they all been saying since years yonko over admirals . This is probably what redon talking about his reaction is him being shocked .
1094: Jay Garcia Saturn

- Chapter starts with Luffy x Kizaru.
- Suddenly, all people in the island get knocked off by an INSANE Colour of Conqueror. Just Luffy and Kizaru were able to stand it.
- It was Saturn's CoC.
- He orders the fight to stop and wanna talk.
- No break next week.
1094 : Saint Jay Garcia Saturn

-The Mark III Pacifistas start to attack the marines. Vegapunk wants to use that opportunity to save Bonney and escape

-Vice Admiral Dobberman tries to kill Vegapunk but Sanji intervenes

-Back in the labophase Luffy and Kizaru are still fighting

-Kizaru tells Luffy he is naive if he thinks keeping him busy will be enough to save Vegapunk

-At the end of the chapter Saturn comes out and order the Mark III Pacifistas to target Doctor Vegapunk at all cost and eliminate those who protect him

-Vegapunk "Impossible ... him here?"
If the spoiler is correct, than thank you - the title, according to Pew - is at leat right.