Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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Kizaru really is out here looking worse than weakened Kaido...weaker than Hybrid Kaido

:kuzanshut: BM can tank island level attacks + bombs after being weakened by other awakened moves onscreen and offscreen...

"Admirals can beat Law and kid 2v1 though" " can't tank awakened SNs attacks"
"Can tank adcoc g4 hits"

Only Akainu is worth the true hype!
Garp, Sengoku, Akainu ~ Oden ~< Yonko
Admirals ~ Prime Ray < Oden
Lol Saturn essentially confirming that Kizaru is actually holding back because hes conflicted.

That whole scenario is playing out as expected, Oda put him and Luffy on ice.

Once Kizaru doesnt have to "feel" conflicted (I assume itll be when Saturn just tells him to focus on Luffy), the real fight starts.
@Elder Lee Hung , @MarineHQ , @EmperorKinyagi @DarkWitch
Well this probably explain a lot and I kinda agree and see it like Paper.
Kizaru fight right now with himself, he probably didn´t fight complete serious yet(a reason why also Luffy didn´t used adv CoC the whole fight).

Kizaru and Luffy are out here for plot reasons, so ancient roboter can step in and fight Saturn who destroyed Sanji and co in a single moment. Of course the attack hurt Kizaru a lot, he is not a glasscanon but he is not close in endurance like Kaido/BigMOm who are known for insane endurance.

But that doesn´t mean he is weak, he has less endurance but maybe his awakening allows him to protect him from insane attacks as what Luffy used last chapter. Kuzan as example seems to has a better endurance, since he took multiple adv CoC punches/hits of Garp.

Kizaru clearly is not done, when a villian ever speaked directly after Luffy used his "finisher", everyone was down for good, only Katakuri was up but he also fainted.

Once we finish the flashback and Saturn fights the ancient Roboter, we move again to Kizaru vs Luffy, where Kizaru get a new mission to kill Luffy, then both will go all out in their battles.

But of course that are firstly my thought, if Kizaru is really down and can´t fight later anymore, yeah then there is no point to debate even Yonkou vs Admirals, for me it would be clear who are stronger, this would be one of the worst fights we ever see in One Piece.
He literally aura diffed one YC1 level character
One YC3 level character
One Whose Who level character
And Vega Punk

And have Kizaru treating him like a Master while he's only annoyed and has no fear of an emperor

Come bro

These are crazy End Game bosses
This is most over power someone has look in fucking years .
We not talking weak characters here , the man just over everyone and even using auto heal LMAO .
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