We'll have about another 2 months of admiral fans pretending to cope because they refuse to kill their old friend the agenda, just like Kizaru refuses to kill VegaPunk.

2 months of FlashBack that is. It's what I'm expecting. Hope not too much gets off-screen from the fight and then filled in with mini-flashbacks.
I think this flash back will go on for a long time. Why? This battle is at the center with events all around being linked to it one way or the other. So Oda might actually include the entire Rocks flashback here. There are many possibilities with the blackbeard ship being there and still no info about that. Imagine somehow Teach is there then just imagine what can happen.

I believe Dragon must come at Egghead. Even if it isn't the entire army, Kuma connection with VP, Dragon's relationship with VP, Dragon's war vs the Celestials and also the Gorosei, Sabo's encounter with Im and Gorosei. It'd be ass writing if he doesn't appear here.

I might be wrong but he has to be here man. If he has the wind logia, he can travel very fast too. I know this might like a fanboy headcannon but Oda's love of numbers, parallel's, story building, the things that have happened in this arc, all points out to Dragon 1100 last page cliff hanger.:steef::steef: