I was born in a country that has been at war with itself for the last 60 years. To be honest, it's more of an armed militias problem and it persists since the alleged communist guerrilla groups and far right wing paramilitary groups have realized that conflict and war is massively profitable if you engage in drug dealing and extortion. I've never experienced any of this first hand, but I still remember people from back when I was a child that were kidnapped and murdered. When the peace process came around, there was a referendum and people like me were able to vote in spite of living in another country. Despite being privileged, and despite understanding that a lot of criminals and warlords would walk free, I figured it was my responsibility to vote "yes" because this would massively improve the lives of the victims that have been displaced and traumatized by the conflict.
Peace is not easy, and it's an arduous and long process, but it's truly the only way to create resolution and a future where children can grow up and live in peace.