Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 13.4%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 97 61.8%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 20 12.7%

  • Total voters

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Ginny dies

thats it

back to egghead
I be Oda

Gonna write a One Piece, watch this

Dead mom, wow

Starving people, good

Someone did a racism

But they did a racism because someone else did a racism first

Make the boobs bigger, great tracts of lands

Can't let Zoro fight, make lost or hurt

Luffy run around looking for bad guy half the arc, pacing hits different

Funny skeleton is skeleton and likes old lady panties, top tier character

Old men strong

If character died, probably still alive, to be honest

Reindeer; Become Merch

Smoking is cool, so is eating food off the floor, must spread disease

Female character look cool then do much nothing

Offscreen best part of the chapter, it's what the fans want. Peak fiction, I've done it again

Gorosei Informer


Gorosei Informer

I be Oda

Gonna write a One Piece, watch this

Dead mom, wow

Starving people, good

Someone did a racism

But they did a racism because someone else did a racism first

Make the boobs bigger, great tracts of lands

Can't let Zoro fight, make lost or hurt

Luffy run around looking for bad guy half the arc, pacing hits different

Funny skeleton is skeleton and likes old lady panties, top tier character

Old men strong

If character died, probably still alive, to be honest

Reindeer; Become Merch

Smoking is cool, so is eating food off the floor, must spread disease

Female character look cool then do much nothing

Offscreen best part of the chapter, it's what the fans want. Peak fiction, I've done it again
LMFAO, absolutely perfect and accurate! I dont need to read One Piece anymore, this enough for me, peak fiction/summary! Redons summaries finally met their match too! /s


Honestly Oda should just do what I do and have AI write the story for him, like I'm doing to compensate for all the stuff he isn't doing/offscreening or ruining outright and downright too! He even tried out ChatGPT for Egghead before!:

I be Oda

Gonna write a One Piece, watch this

Dead mom, wow

Starving people, good

Someone did a racism

But they did a racism because someone else did a racism first

Make the boobs bigger, great tracts of lands

Can't let Zoro fight, make lost or hurt

Luffy run around looking for bad guy half the arc, pacing hits different

Funny skeleton is skeleton and likes old lady panties, top tier character

Old men strong

If character died, probably still alive, to be honest

Reindeer; Become Merch

Smoking is cool, so is eating food off the floor, must spread disease

Female character look cool then do much nothing

Offscreen best part of the chapter, it's what the fans want. Peak fiction, I've done it again
:snoopy:He really is Oda
Reasons for why Redon was crying:
1. 2 Month break after 1097. Oda restructuring the story because he has no idea what to write next and he was so far just making it up he went along
2. One Piece on hiatus for the rest of next year, Oda having full body surgery and/or got put on suicide watch after reading outcome of Sukuna V Gojo
3. Kuma arrived on Egghead, immediately to get 1 shotted and killed by Saturn
4. Bonney died
5. Vegapunk died
6. Kaido died (again)