CoC: Color of Clowns

You can do it! And you will!!!
@TheAncientCenturion open spoilers thread :

<> OP Chapter 1097 Spoilers :
× Flash Backs continue , we got to see Kuma and Ginny when they became adults and got married ; Ginny died right after she gave birth to Bonney .

× We got to see why Kuma was called Tyrant , and how he met Dragon who appeared this chapter .

× we saw the formation of RA with Dragon and Kuma and Ivancov , Flash backs end this chapter.

No Break Next Week
When the Celestial Dragons are so evil you actually hope Ginny died giving birth rather than being violently murdered by the government.
@TheAncientCenturion open spoilers thread :

<> OP Chapter 1097 Spoilers :
× Flash Backs continue , we got to see Kuma and Ginny when they became adults and got married ; Ginny died right after she gave birth to Bonney .

× We got to see why Kuma was called Tyrant , and how he met Dragon who appeared this chapter .

× we saw the formation of RA with Dragon and Kuma and Ivancov , Flash backs end this chapter.

No Break Next Week
confirmed by malik as well