Blother Fertitta

Real Ni**er Blother
@Blother Fertitta chael says it like it is 😂
I saw the video where a Chael explains it more. This is kinda what boxing has turned to, a shit show. They say YouTuber boxing revived it, in my opinion it buried any seriousness that could be associated with boxing now.

The Tommy Fury fight was a joke, Logan v Dildo Danis was clown shit, and this fight let down so many ppl… the funny thing is, a rematch is out of the question, give Francis a year of legit prep time and watch him catch a W
Sanji never simped for Bonney in this arc by the way, he only offerred to help her, he actually showed to care about Kuma and stuff

Bonney who simped for him

Funny when you think about it