Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1097 Spoilers Discussion

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One thing about Dragon is when he got his tattoo on his face

it must be an important moment cause we did not see it when he met Vegapunk at Ohara and the Revs were already created
He talked about creating the revs at Ohara didn't he. Maybe he took the tattoo the moment the Rev's where offically created, maybe it stands for something directly oppose to the WG
Do you actually think sandman is Oda or works for Oda?

Do you not fucking realize that he is just another regular One PIece fan like the rest of us, the only difference is that he is a translator.

Him thinking that Luffy defeated Kizaru isn't anything different than you or some other user here thinking the the same thing.

sandman has opinions like the rest of us, not everything he says should be taken as fact.

The fact that you legit took his post seriously and saw it as fact, really just shows you how desperate you are.

The fact that Pringles had to take sandman's post seriously really just shows you how desperate he is to prove himself right, it seems like he forgot that sandman isn't some special person working for Oda and is just another regular One Piece fan.
Lol that was pretty obvious bias from sandman, thatwas rare
Does he know more than we? Why are you taking his word as gospel? Scroll through the comments and see people's answers and reactions.

Luffy did in fact, did not beat Kizaru, but I don't think you're rational enough to debate that without any agenda, so.
You really are just a giant autist aren’t you
Luffy didn't defeat Kizaru.
So butthurt, stop being delusional.

sandman casually said "Luffy defeated Kizaru", gets to show the mental gymnastics you gotta pull to call this a tie.

It's over, don't dare to call this a tie ever again.

Sandman doesn’t powerscale, he just translates

and he literally asks if “Zoro could beat Kizaru”

why are you micro leeching
The guy who translates the manga casually said that Luffy defeated Kizaru and he wonders if Zoro himself can do the same thing and you non-Japanese speakers pull mental gymnastics to contradict the fact that Luffy defeated Kizaru. It's over.
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