Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1097 Spoilers Discussion

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Yeah same. Vegapunk must have some way of being able to fight too and there's still the giant robot and the BBP.

Tbh I just randomly imagined Caribou drowning or at least absorbing Saturn into his swamp like quicksand and it was hilarious lol.
Yea nd then theres the ancient robot i forgot about nd of course BB pirates. It Could be a whole mess once all those factors are in play. You can never tell with Oda :kriwhat:
Some people (raised hand) have more respect for people that admit they don't care about morals (pirates) than people who pretend they care about morals but abandon them in the face of authority (people like Garp).

No one steals more and kills more than the Celestial Dragons. Entire nations collapse in civil wars trying to pay the tribute.

Most Marines are just pirates pretending they're heroes.

Like, be honest. When was Aokiji killing more innocent people? When he joined up with Blackbeard, and started fighting pirate crews all the time? Or when he was participating in operations like Ohara?

Both Blackbeard and the WG have no problem enslaving people and murdering people, the only difference is authority and freedom. Marines are pirates that submit entirely to authority, while the real pirates fight for freedom.

Look at how shitty Kaido was as a ruler, and the WG is still worse than him. Not even Kaido was rounding up Wano citizens and hunting them down at random like the CDs. Hell, look at how Kaido treats women in comparison; look at the prostitutes in Onigashima and the Flower Capital compared to Charlos wanting to put Shirahoshi in a tank full of pirannas and dragging women in skimpy clothing around with chained explosive collars. Kaido only put explosive collars on his kid, okay? /s

The Marines serve people who are morally worse than Kaido, and act like them stealing people's lives, kingdoms, and wealth isn't piracy, they're totally full of shit.

The King of the Pirates is and has been Imu, the one who rules the seas and stands above them, stealing everything they wish to steal and justifying it through the claim they are a god.
I’m also against the WG and this is why I’m a huge Revo fan
Yes there are evil Marines but most of them want to protect the citizens
Pirates brought so much suffering to this world, exactly like the WG
The Marine soldiers truly think that the people in Ohara plotted an evil act because the media and the higher ups are in the hands of scum
The only good Pirates are the SHC, the WBC and the RHP.
Now let’s look at the Marines: Fujitora, Smoker, Hina, Tashigi, the entirety of SWORD, T-Bone, Tsuru, Garp, Corazon, many soldiers, at least half of the Vice-Admirals and the Rear Admirals
Kuzan is also a complex case

The only good and perfect fraction is the Revolutionary Army
ask the citizens who are the good ones
Citizens from normal countries would say the Marines
Citizens in oppressed and poor countries world say the Revolutionary Army
Nearly no one would say the Pirates, only the territories of WB and Shanks

The WG and it’s followers are completely scum

edit: I think that complete freedom (Pirates) and complete order (Marines) are both wrong
Dragon is for balance, freedom within order
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