Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1097 Spoilers Discussion

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I personally don’t think that she’s a child because Oda revealed her age
or he just trolled around and meant the age of her current body

it could be that Kuma and Jinny had Bonney but hid her from society
This is why she "suffered" as a child and waited for Nika

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Why have respect for people who are outright scummy criminals?

Revo hype
Don't start the Nico Robin criminal act discussion again, I want to move past it since it goes nowhere at the speed of light.

People who do bad things to survive aren't bad people, if they only do bad things when they don't have any present choice to do otherwise.

People who do bad things for no reason are the problem.

Did the Straw Hats steal the Shandians gold at the end of Skypiea? Yeah. Was it because they wanted to hurt Skypiea? No, they just needed to make some money, because they're fucking pirates. They knew the Shandians didn't really care about the treasure that much, and took it for themselves, knowing it wouldnt cause any real harm to the country.

Illegal? Yeah. Evil? Nah.

Man claims murder is evil. Yet man can survive without eating meat, and killing animals, yet chooses to kill them anyway. Animals kill each other for territory/to eat all the time. Is murder itself evil? No. Two tribes who have dwindling resources fighting over resources and territory are not evil, they are both just trying to survive.

Was Kaido evil when he was killing people in war in the Vodka kingdom? No, he was trying to survive and protect his homeland. Kaido became evil when he chose to kill people not out of need, but out of greed for power and revenge.

Zoro killed Mr. 7, and plenty of other people over the years (he was a Bounty Hunter, and, when it came to hunting, I think Zoro's more the "Dead" than "Alive" kind of guy). Is he a bad guy? Nope, just taking down bad people in order to train himself and make money. Now, Zoro rarely kills, as he values life heavily.

Starving people stealing food isn't evil, rich people stealing money from starving people is evil. Which one is criminalized?
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