Twitter is a fucking surreal experience I swear to god.
I posted cock piece memes and forgot to spoiler/censor them, and guess what? My main's banned forever.
People literally animate porn of underage characters and post it and nothing happens, even when I report them multiple times.
Twitter is so fucking bad man, I only use it for memes now, can't stomach the other shit.
Facebook isnt far behind. I had posted a photo of my childhood where I wore shorts and was barechested (because the culture here is diff from the western world, nobody wears full clothes in summer and nobody has any problem with it) and some mfer reported it and I got community standarded. I deleted that account and created a new one. Imagine being reported for child sexualization over one's own photo. Fuck you fb workers and whoever reported that shit.
The use of age age fruit matures your body to that specific age so why are you all crying? Luffy was turned into a sick old man, Jimbei into his child form(lookes exactly like the seraphim :kobeha:)
Only those that made comments about Bonney might be coping now but if you know, you know. Using df power Bonney actually becomes 22,8,45,70 years old at will and the body also grows to that level.
By your logic Nami shouldn't have smoked adult momo when he came to hug because chronologically he is just 8 years, he isn't physically 8 anymore and neither is bonney when she is 22.
I ain't justifying anything but the mangaka hasn't done anything bad with her and only some users here talking about her in a sexual tone that too of when she is 22-24 years old.
Calm down.
this was about the lolicon remark though

it wasn't about Bonney transforms herself into future self or becomes future self. it was straight up about loli crap
that's all


Choose your next words carefully :beckmoji:
I said what I said.

Why tf we discussing someone else pedo History here.
Wasn't political thread already enough for these kind of topics.
Instead of discussing spoilers or anything informative. We are abusing here to someone , who ain't even listening. And it's been going on since past whole week.
Don't know why some of you wants to be the white knight in the shining armour , when their own history isn't clean.
The hypocrisy.

I'm done with this forum. I had enough yesterday.


If any mods available out there perma ban this... I'm not coming back.

I would rather watch mid show than discuss Pedophile history here.
He looked better...when he was growing back from a flower. Also doesn't this proves that his sword isn't made of metal since it grew back with him?