Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

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I will never forgive Oda

Seems like Ivankov is content to wait
think it was @TheAncientCenturion who sent a marineford page in which Doffy talks to Ivankov saying he "doesn't know how Iva and Kuma are related", despite the fact that last chapter we learned that both of them were two of the main pillars from the Revo Army. Also, during Sabaody, apparently it wasn't a wide known fact that Kuma was a Revo anyway, as he had to whisper it to Rayleigh, as if it was some sort of secret.
Goda moment
Oh, I agree 100 percent. One of Oda's worst qualities is that he refuses to acknowledge what comes after the Strawhats liberate a place. He likes his parties but none of this situations can resolve without a lot of darkness and horror. Wano is actually one of the most blatant examples of this.

I definetly think this is an odd pivot for Oda considering the overall tone of the story. But I think it can work as long as he doesn't over do it. As it is, it looks like we are going to get four to five of these chapters about Kuma's absolutely tragic life. If this dark theme goes beyond that it is going to be a problem. If it only stays for these few chapters it will disappear in to the greater narrative of the story. If it hangs around longer it is going to be a very jarring change of tone after all this time.

How he handles the darker themes of his story going forward is going to be very interesting. Not subtle enough and he will ruin the whole tone of One Piece. But if he goes too subtle after this is will make this moment look even stranger. Not an easy line to straddle.
The darker themes will always be handheld how the usual are .
You never notice that after the SH free a place all the people come together back again to make the country a better place.
That is how he deal with darker aspect of country after the SH save them .
We always knew happen in OP for 15 years and it has been mention more than once but after this chapter Oda won't spend any more time on it.
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