Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

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Oda will have CD dead all he need to do is give them to people and certain group and they will died like how oro get kill.
Hell is luffy hand even clean any more since we don't know what happen to kaido lol .
If Luffy actually killed Kaidou somehow then it would still make him clean as Kaidou was a huge douchebag (still love him though one of my favorite characters in the manga but still)
you shut your fucking mouth.

Oda was the apprentice of one of the BIGGEST outted pedophiles in manga history...
Dude openly writes rape, pedophilia and other unsavoury aspects into a story he can't even show people dying on screen.

I don't know why a 12 year old can't see a drawing off an dead guy on the ground but is allowed to read about rape, underage and arranged marriages, racism, incest.... FUCKING CANNABALISM.... Oda is a fucking joke, spares kids from the fact of death but shoves some pretty unsavoury sexual and political shit down their throats and it's fine? LOL K BRO
Japan bro
I am a westerner. I don't have to close my fucking eyes, sit in a corner and clap just because "Japan"

If oda can't make his 12 year old aimed story appropriate for 12 year Olds around the world, I don't think he deserves world wide fame. It's as simple as that...
They dont care lol
OPLA would be aimed for world, manga is for japanese people mostly
They dont care lol
OPLA would be aimed for world, manga is for japanese people mostly
That's okay, I reserve the right to complain about it. I don't think it'll ever make a difference.

I just want it to be known that I think oda is becoming a fucking gross old man and "he's Japanese" isn't a fucking excuse tbh..
you shut your fucking mouth.

Oda was the apprentice of one of the BIGGEST outted pedophiles in manga history...
Dude openly writes rape, pedophilia and other unsavoury aspects into a story he can't even show people dying on screen.

I don't know why a 12 year old can't see a drawing off an dead guy on the ground but is allowed to read about rape, underage and arranged marriages, racism, incest.... FUCKING CANNABALISM.... Oda is a fucking joke, spares kids from the fact of death but shoves some pretty unsavoury sexual and political shit down their throats and it's fine? LOL K BRO
Dude all that shit Oda show us
We see character get beheaded , we see groups of died of bombs , fire, just kill for sport and behead in this earlier in flash back and everything else you can think off.
Half a person face come off in fight and people lose body parts .
Hell in wano we even see some get shoot full holes and blow up .

EDIT it show be note in flashback is when see even more people die one screen early eg Nami mother .
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Dragon really needed some sort of feat in the current timeline, or an anti-feat (jobbing to a God Knight or smth) before the Ginny stuff. Yeah I know he's the big rev army dude, but we never get to see that boring shit. As the author its Oda's job to establish characters in other ways, and he's held on to Dragon so long its hurt his image.

I can't see Dragon as anything other than a coward who abandoned a friend, even though I can logically understand he can't sacrifice the revolution for just one person, and that they weren't as established then as they were. Sabo succeeding in saving Kuma from a similar situation doesn't do him any favors, because it looks like he's getting lapped by a rookie. Even though they are very different circumstances.
So what about the sketch-panels?
Will the chapter take a little more time than usual before being published clean? Or will they just forward it like that?
Oda had hard time drawing this chapter, that's why he didn't finish all the pages and miss the deadline

Next chapter is probably final before we return to Egghead

Man first part of chapter is really dark if you think all worse possibility but i dont think it's that bad
Saw & read worst than this

I hope Kuma gets some justice at the end, a ending he deserve
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