Hey people!
Early in the spoilerthread this week I had a spontaneous theory (Spoiler - One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion | Page 26 | Worstgen) and it seems like its spreading in the forum and outside already like a virus (pun intended). So I just make a thread to get this once discussed and one point.
The theory, like you read in the title, is pretty much based around the Gorosei and/or Imu himself. In my theory, its them who are poisoning and infecting specific people and specific groups of people to erase them.
How do I come to this theory:
Ginnys now mentioned sickness wasn’t mentioned, known or even speculated about before she was captured and hostaged by the celestrial dragons. Which means, she hasn’t been infected then, since we know the sickness triggeres already at a young age, f.e. Bonney. So, it is safe to assume, Bonney got infected while she was a hostage and married to a CD. Assuming she was the only infected person and it wasn’t something spreading (she cant be the source as far as we know), this implies some direct infection through a source. And I think this was planed.
I guess, the CD which married Ginny, cause he somehow fell in love with her, didn’t hold her as a slave or at least went away from it. I think he really liked her and they grew some kind of relationship, not necessarily true love from her side, but at least some connection. A connection big enough to make persons like the Gorosei and/or Imu concerned, since it would break open the strict separation of the human races. To stop this, without directly interfering or forbidding something for the CDs, they infected Ginny with the sickness, so the CDs would decide to get rid of her, before the sickness is spreading.
This would explain why Ginny got this strange sickness, why is it unknown to the doctors and why nobody else if effected by it.
And the source of this might be one of the Gorosei, maybe even Saturn himself. Remember he was also at God Valley, like Roger. And later on, suddenly Roger had some strange sickness where nobody could help.
About Saturn and his role as someone infecting others, @Pringles posted something from some Twitter-Account, which was fitting extremely well. I don’t want to steal the work, so I just link it:
Further examples of strange sicknesses in One Piece:
My conclusion:
It is Saturn or Gorosei and Imu together which are poisoning/infecting people which be some kind of danger for their system and plans. They infected Roger as a growing problem, the pirate king. They maybe infected also Rocks back then and killed him like that. They infected Whitebeard as a threat and they also infected Ginny (and passively Bonney) later on.
And they do it for propaganda reasons. Like that, with mysterious sicknesses which only hit dangers for the CDs and the system, they imply it is a penalty of the gods, a penalty by nature. So the natural order is the CDs above the others, above the sick people, above the infections. With that, they can hold up the separation of the races.
Additional theory / thoughts:
Luffy mother might be a even a CD and Luffy is the combination of a D and a CD. It is an old theory, years old. But the mixing of the races could be the key for Sun God Nika awakening, to bring up the old history. And Luffys mother being a CD might be the reason why Dragon left the marines, since she was imprisoned for her relationship with a D and Dragon now is trying to free her.
So about the theory, what are your thoughts?
With kind regards
Early in the spoilerthread this week I had a spontaneous theory (Spoiler - One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion | Page 26 | Worstgen) and it seems like its spreading in the forum and outside already like a virus (pun intended). So I just make a thread to get this once discussed and one point.

The theory, like you read in the title, is pretty much based around the Gorosei and/or Imu himself. In my theory, its them who are poisoning and infecting specific people and specific groups of people to erase them.

How do I come to this theory:
Ginnys now mentioned sickness wasn’t mentioned, known or even speculated about before she was captured and hostaged by the celestrial dragons. Which means, she hasn’t been infected then, since we know the sickness triggeres already at a young age, f.e. Bonney. So, it is safe to assume, Bonney got infected while she was a hostage and married to a CD. Assuming she was the only infected person and it wasn’t something spreading (she cant be the source as far as we know), this implies some direct infection through a source. And I think this was planed.
I guess, the CD which married Ginny, cause he somehow fell in love with her, didn’t hold her as a slave or at least went away from it. I think he really liked her and they grew some kind of relationship, not necessarily true love from her side, but at least some connection. A connection big enough to make persons like the Gorosei and/or Imu concerned, since it would break open the strict separation of the human races. To stop this, without directly interfering or forbidding something for the CDs, they infected Ginny with the sickness, so the CDs would decide to get rid of her, before the sickness is spreading.
This would explain why Ginny got this strange sickness, why is it unknown to the doctors and why nobody else if effected by it.
And the source of this might be one of the Gorosei, maybe even Saturn himself. Remember he was also at God Valley, like Roger. And later on, suddenly Roger had some strange sickness where nobody could help.
About Saturn and his role as someone infecting others, @Pringles posted something from some Twitter-Account, which was fitting extremely well. I don’t want to steal the work, so I just link it:
Sapphire Scale comes 100% from Saturn.
Further examples of strange sicknesses in One Piece:
Lets start in the past and previous chapters. The first mysterious sickness we heard about was the “tree fever”. I guess most people forgot it. We know it was “simply” based on specific trees which spread the virus/infection. But I guess, this could be the original source of the poison. I assume this was also the same infection Yorki and his crew fell victim to.
The next we hear about and still have no idea where it came from is the illness of Gol D Roger. About the sickness we know, he was weakening over time and slowly came into a dying state. He decided to die on his own terms in before. But, we don’t know where this illness came from. Obviously, it wasn’t something spreading, since he was on the ship with his crew for a longer time and nobody else got infected. Also, they were all together most of the time, where could he have been infected?
Another possibility would have been something genetic, but Ace didn’t suffered anything from that, never mentioned anything. So we could assume he didn’t got it.
Putting this together, I assume he got directly infected by something or someone with something not infectious and this happened in the final fights in God Valley.
The next mysterious sickness is the one Whitebeard got. If it was a sickness, I assume it was the same Roger got back then. Since he was a giant man which medical suppliance, it took way longer to bring him down.
Later on, we know about Law, his village and the Amber Lead poisoning. We heard before, it came from the amber lead directly and is just poisoning. But for some reason, it went through generations of people, without further poisoning. It seems pretty well explained, more or less, but strangely, it has more or less the same pattern, symptoms and visually effect like other sicknesses we know about: The tree fever, with green spots on the skin and completely weakening. Yorkis sickness with “dark spots” and weakening effect and the last and following sickness: Ginnys and Bonneys diamond sickness, which also brings up spots on the skin, but further than just spots, an additional material builds about it.
This also remembers on something we just saw on Onigashima, the Oni-Virus created by Queen. It wouldn’t surprise me if Queen used the same source-material as the mentioned sicknesses above.
The next we hear about and still have no idea where it came from is the illness of Gol D Roger. About the sickness we know, he was weakening over time and slowly came into a dying state. He decided to die on his own terms in before. But, we don’t know where this illness came from. Obviously, it wasn’t something spreading, since he was on the ship with his crew for a longer time and nobody else got infected. Also, they were all together most of the time, where could he have been infected?
Another possibility would have been something genetic, but Ace didn’t suffered anything from that, never mentioned anything. So we could assume he didn’t got it.
Putting this together, I assume he got directly infected by something or someone with something not infectious and this happened in the final fights in God Valley.
The next mysterious sickness is the one Whitebeard got. If it was a sickness, I assume it was the same Roger got back then. Since he was a giant man which medical suppliance, it took way longer to bring him down.
Later on, we know about Law, his village and the Amber Lead poisoning. We heard before, it came from the amber lead directly and is just poisoning. But for some reason, it went through generations of people, without further poisoning. It seems pretty well explained, more or less, but strangely, it has more or less the same pattern, symptoms and visually effect like other sicknesses we know about: The tree fever, with green spots on the skin and completely weakening. Yorkis sickness with “dark spots” and weakening effect and the last and following sickness: Ginnys and Bonneys diamond sickness, which also brings up spots on the skin, but further than just spots, an additional material builds about it.
This also remembers on something we just saw on Onigashima, the Oni-Virus created by Queen. It wouldn’t surprise me if Queen used the same source-material as the mentioned sicknesses above.
My conclusion:
It is Saturn or Gorosei and Imu together which are poisoning/infecting people which be some kind of danger for their system and plans. They infected Roger as a growing problem, the pirate king. They maybe infected also Rocks back then and killed him like that. They infected Whitebeard as a threat and they also infected Ginny (and passively Bonney) later on.
And they do it for propaganda reasons. Like that, with mysterious sicknesses which only hit dangers for the CDs and the system, they imply it is a penalty of the gods, a penalty by nature. So the natural order is the CDs above the others, above the sick people, above the infections. With that, they can hold up the separation of the races.
The Gorosei and Imu are literally “the sickness of the world”. They are the infection, spreading sicknesses. I literary figure.
Additional theory / thoughts:
Luffy mother might be a even a CD and Luffy is the combination of a D and a CD. It is an old theory, years old. But the mixing of the races could be the key for Sun God Nika awakening, to bring up the old history. And Luffys mother being a CD might be the reason why Dragon left the marines, since she was imprisoned for her relationship with a D and Dragon now is trying to free her.
So about the theory, what are your thoughts?
With kind regards