OP Red and this cover tells us what would be the match ups

Captain - Captain
Zoro - Benn
Usopp - Yasopp
Franky - dude with 🕶️
Chopper - Monster
Robin - bald dude with the monke
Cook - Howling Gab
Brook - Rocks
Nami - Limejuice
Jinbei - Lucky Roo
The doctor doesn't get a fight.
No way Ovens pushed Sanji to IJ Lmaooo.

I haven't seen the movie but if Sanji extreme diffed Ovens, then all we can do is laugh lol
They didn't fight, you can see Oven in the back shooting a heat beam at Lanji's leg.
Oven was jobbing to Franky, the same guy that is still fighting Katakuri in a cover story, we're still waiting for that fight to end.