Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1100 Spoilers Discussion

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Yeah that's what I'm thinking, but when Kuma found out it was a kid that ate the fruit, he chose not to complete his mission.
More like Kuma reporting "No intel was found at Foosha village nor Goa Kingdom".

Not completing the task would just send someone else do the dirty job.

Fact that Kuma is behind this goes to show how stupid the WG is by trusting the shichibukai ....
Oh man, I can't wait to see Kuma, Sentoumaru, Vega, Bonney and Kizaru all getting along in these panels. The more it is sad for Kizaru to follow orders...

Also, Ace is a fucking monster - he defeated Jinbe and that random Shichibukai as well. Now the question is, did he beat that Shichibukai before Jinbe?

Anyway, I'm looking forward to finding out why Kuma visited Luffy's island.
Chapter 1101 will be insane, it'll most likely be about Sun God Nika and JoyBoy.
- Kuma is in Foosha island (Luffy's island)
- Kuma gets the order to assassinate JoyBoy / future pirate king
- Kuma meets Luffy, he removes his pain, Zoro takes it
- Kuma gets to meet Luffy in Sabaody but he saves him instead
- Kuma's soul is transferred into the ancient robot
- End of flashback
- Nika comes back and punches Saturn
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