Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1100 Spoilers Discussion

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Dawg his arm was leaking lmao
Tiny cut my ass
Better feat than anything Vergo has shown too
I mean they kind of did the same shit Vergo was pressing Law & Smoker for a bit but then ultimately got low diffed by Law the same way Who’s Who was able to clash with Jimbei for a bit but ultimately got low diffed in the end. Who’s Who had some cool techniques and was very adept with armamnet like Vergo. These characters are so close that an argument for either of them being stronger is valid tbh. Tho I will say Vergo has the feats of Pressing Sanji , Smoker and Law so he does appear a bit more impressive
That luffy likely gets hit with Law’s hax as well.
I mean they kind of did the same shit Vergo was pressing Law & Smoker for a bit but then ultimately got low diffed by Law the same way Who’s Who was able to clash with Jimbei for a bit but ultimately got low diffed in the end. Who’s Who had some cool techniques and was very adept with armamnet like Vergo. These characters are so close that an argument for either of them being stronger is valid tbh. Tho I will say Vergo has the feats of Pressing Sanji , Smoker and Law so he does appear a bit more impressive
Thing is WW never cheated, he had some very slight help from fodders but that was it
Meanwhile Vergo was doing everything he could to stop Law.
Beating on his heart, surprising him while he was trying to get his heart back, etc.
Vergo only looked good because he didn't fight fairly, the moment he did he got one shot.
WW was pressuring Jinbe without any cheap tactics, sure he lost hard in the end but honestly Vergo would get the same treatment.

Thing is WW never cheated, he had some very slight help from fodders but that was it
Meanwhile Vergo was doing everything he could to stop Law.
Beating on his heart, surprising him while he was trying to get his heart back, etc.
Vergo only looked good because he didn't fight fairly, the moment he did he got one shot.
WW was pressuring Jinbe without any cheap tactics, sure he lost hard in the end but honestly Vergo would get the same treatment.
Vergo still had a better performance against Law than WW had against Jimbei. Both were low diffs in the end but Vergo had a better showing overall. Cracking Sanji's legs, dogwalking Smoker, beating a handicapped Law.
Also while ancient zoans are extremely tough when it comes to durability and endurance it really isn’t the end all be all
Like Drake wasn’t the strongest supernova pre timeskip just because he’s a dinosaur
Ulti has Luffy level Haki?

Same Luffy literally made Kaidou see Roger & WB behind him after about 15 chapters, due to him using CoA.
You mean to say Ulti would do the same?
Good god you really need to go back to school.
When did I ever imply that she could do that?
I said she matched BASE LUFFY'S HAKI, and you go and compare that to GEAR THIRD AMPED WITH FLAMES AND ACOA.
I'm sorry but you are an absolute idiot and you need to know that.
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