Redon on my whatsapp this morning:
-Boku no hero is the best manga in history, I can no longer stand having to support the one piece spoilers industry instead of the boku no hero spoilers industry. Man, I can't pretend anymore. I've been a fan of BNH since its launch. I have an All Might tattoo on my chest. What do I do?
Need a girl who can glaze my nuts like Redon glazes bnh
This thread is toxic
Not as toxic as the BDA Discord server, they literally insult people personally. I have a "Discord friend" who is a girl who was literally getting gender discrimination and incel comments in the server and the mods weren't doing shit.

Plus people post very weird content (+ lewd stuff) and the mods don't do shit.

The average post there is 1000x weirder than the average post here.