Speculations What "IF" Blackbeard would have faced the Strawhats on Winner Island instead of Law?

https://flic.kr/p/2pkZYWa ▪︎ If Blackbeard faced the Strawhats in Winner Island with just Van Augur,Burgess and Doc Q how would this have went?

▪︎ My Personal Opinion this would have been the Result:

▪︎ Blackbeard was pretty lucky to face Law cause just those 4 would get totally annihilated and obliterated if they faced the whole Strawhat Crew


I will never forgive Oda
Teach dies a tragic death.

Sanji or Zoro handle Burgess with some but not a lot of difficulty.

Robin is designed to screw over Van Auger
The doc can change their genders but Shogun Franky still has cannons and Nami still has Zeus to nail him.

The only issue is Blackbeard’s probably a massively good counter to Luffy. But once you get Zoro, Sanji and Jinbe free to help him out? Blackbeard is done for
https://flic.kr/p/2pkZYWa ▪︎ If Blackbeard faced the Strawhats in Winner Island with just Van Augur,Burgess and Doc Q how would this have went?

▪︎ My Personal Opinion this would have been the Result:

▪︎ Blackbeard was pretty lucky to face Law cause just those 4 would get totally annihilated and obliterated if they faced the whole Strawhat Crew
According to the manga, so. Kaido>Bb(for now). Kaido is the strongest of the yonko. Kaido is faster than bb. A half-dead Zoro boneless to acoc blitzed Kaido and left a scar on the strongest yonko. Even the Slow Lo, who lost to the basic Doflomingo, could hit bb once. A healthy Zoro In the King of Hell mode kills bb. End. Bb runs away from strong swordsmen. Reilly, Shanks, Mihawk at 8 years old.


Man at this point who cares. It's been 25 years and Usopp fans are still begging for slight improvements. Unless he really pops off at elbaf I say just pretend like you never heard of Usopp.
It won't happen sadly.
Oda already shited all the focus to nika wanking.
not even zoro or sanji fight will be properly shown.

In wano half of the SH were running in the background
Maybe, maybe not. We don't know the full extent of BB power or if he has some hidden card. What we know is that BB will keep growing just like Luffy and co and by EoS get a 3rd df and awake at least one df into his moon god version, opposite of Luffy (if he hasn't already done one or more if these feats) and by that point he will be the final villain. The only other possible candidate for that position is Im and that is a monster of his own as well.