General & Others One piece will never have



Obviously lol, different power systems cause this effect.

Also, one piece doesnt have anything nearly as cool and impactful as "domain expansion" which is a direct ripoff of bleach's bankai.


I agree, One Piece fights are meh

there's great hype moments of fights, like final moves or new modes, but not entire fights


JJK, even during this insane fan service battle that was built up from chapter 1, couldn't reach One Piece levels

and JJK already ending in 8~10 months, while One Piece still going strong, so yeah

in fact, many people say Egghead is top 5 arcs in the entire story

while many fans say JJK's last few arcs have been really bad
Onepiece will never have a raw fight like sukuna vs gojo
Both of these characters on their own are too cold
And seeing how they interact and clash with each other ??
Too good
That's why DB was and is so popular.. People don't want deep stuff but big beams and explosions
Not anymore. As of April 2022, and 19 volumes deep, Dragon Ball Super has sold a total of 3,747,280 volumes. That's not for 1 volume. That's all 19 combined.

The OG Dragon Ball is iconic and nostalgic, so it will always do good. But Super has proven that formula no longer cuts it.

The reason One Piece has broken all sorts of records, and sits at the highest selling manga of all time, and second highest selling comic of all time, behind only Superman, is because of its story. And you have to realize, Superman has been running for 85 years to reach over 600 million sold.


I dont think power systems have to do with it
Its just op characters are average and the fights are mid
Gojo and sujuna are one dimensional characters, jujutsu kaisen itself is a one trick pony show.

They have cool powersystem and nice fights, but thats as far as it goes.

They had one good arc in shibuya, copied chunin exams , copied hxh succession arc and failed miserably to do anything original.

Jjk will fade away just as nanatsu taizai and toriko did.

OP's writing is immensely superior to JJK, not to mention the overall plot.
Gojo and sujuna are one dimensional characters, jujutsu kaisen itself is a one trick pony show.

They have cool powersystem and nice fights, but thats as far as it goes.

They had one good arc in shibuya, copied chunin exams , copied hxh succession arc and failed miserably to do anything original.

Jjk will fade away just as nanatsu taizai and toriko did.

OP's writing is immensely superior to JJK, not to mention the overall plot.
Jjk will be remembered more than op
When they animate gojo vs sukuna to its over