Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1104 Spoilers Discussion

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This is wise when you look at it agendaless even if u have Yonkou > Admirals.

I mean who actually believes Saturn vs Luffy delivers an aesthetically pleasing fight when the man is being tossed around by fucking everyone.

He should stay the arc rival of Kuma/VP/Ancient robot.
I was kind of hoping we'd get a blow for blow match with Luffy and Kizaru initially so I was massively disappointed in both of them that Kizaru spent the fight running and Luffy decided just as he was losing his Gear 5 to get serious when if he had got serious Kizaru probably would have as well.

People confuse me for a Yonko fan but I'm a Luffy fan and actually my second favourite character is Smoker.
That ramen bowl was used for every Marine lmao
Yeah, it's only a coincidence that Kizaru was the biggest character with it (it is his favorite meal in fact), we saw him in a position before, he changed that position after, we saw him thinking about Bonney and Sentomaru and now he is on the verge of tears about his mission.

In all of this, there are only two people who could have done that in the first place and...one is, unironically, Kizaru.

I mean, I saw theories about OP that involved half word said in chapter 200 and a weird move of the eyes in chapter 1020.

This one is literally obvious.
I don't hate Sanji. But like I said, it's really embarrassing for an Admiral to be held up by someone with no advanced Haki, not to mention Sanji doesn't even have speed on his level.
Sanji is the fastest strawhat (Yes even faster than any version of luffy outside of g5)

ZOro doesn’t even have speed on either sanji or kizaru’s level. Kizaru himself barely demonstrates high level haki in fights. Sanji can still touch him with just basic armament

like i said, you just hate sanji cause no way you think slow ass zoro is a better match up when he’s still fighting lucci
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