Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1104 Spoilers Discussion

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Goofy couldnt beat lucci and run away in the end, lost to kizaru that was conflicted and fed before being taken away by karibou, didnt get the first punch on saturne. yeah goofy is finished.
Kuma’s punch looks clean as fuck
Kizaru also doesn’t seem to have taken any damage, which once again implies toon force was what made him dizzy
Saturn’s regen seems different from Marco, it’s like he’s wishing it back into existence
It's obvious but yonkotards desperately want it to be because of COC and not Nika abilities so they can still argue that trash ass bumps like Meme are > Kizaru (who would never land a single hit on Kizaru btw) :vistalaugh:
It's obvious but yonkotards desperately want it to be because of COC and not Nika abilities so they can still argue that trash ass bumps like Meme are > Kizaru (who wouldn't never land a single hit on Kizaru btw) :vistalaugh:
It is pretty easy to use their braindead logic against them
Kaido nearly died and suffered a 20 year ptsd from only 1 ACoC attack from Oden
Fucking retards
Finally Sanji managed to achieve Franky level lol

Obviously the starving Sanji fans will try to glorify this to no end... pretending to forget that Sanji was eye diffed just like Bonney and the others, and couldn't even move if it wasn't for Kuma's arrival

It's nice to see Current Sanji and Franky doing, against a much weaker foe... what 100 Chapters Ago Zoro could casually do against a much stronger foe

Zoro couldn't even overcome Kaku's Haki. If you ztards had any decency you'd crawl into a hole and shut up after such humiliation. Actually, after ZKK you'd have dropped OP already.
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if next week we see Luffy vs Kizaru and Sanji vs Saturn, then we know who "actually" stronger
At this point i don't think things will get set up that way .
When luffy returns and Bonney see him she going joining fight with Saturn , there to much build up for that not happen .
When luffy return we will also get a big ass robo coming after a while lol .
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