1105: Buccaneer blood
- Vegapunk talks more about the Buccaneer race
- Their blood is special and seems to be sentient of it's own, that's how Kuma could still move
- All the Pacifiasta's stop listening to Saturn and start walking towards the center of the island where Saturn is
- The Pacifista's then talk all as one, it's Kuma who is talking
- Saturn is shocked
- Chapter ends with all Pacifista's attacking Saturn and blowing him up


A man, my son 🌊
1105: Buccaneer blood
- Vegapunk talks more about the Buccaneer race
- Their blood is special and seems to be sentient of it's own, that's how Kuma could still move
- All the Pacifiasta's stop listening to Saturn and start walking towards the center of the island where Saturn is
- The Pacifista's then talk all as one, it's Kuma who is talking
- Saturn is shocked
- Chapter ends with all Pacifista's attacking Saturn and blowing him up
Confirmed, roll with it. Enough with the charades leakers.
1105: Buccaneer blood
- Vegapunk talks more about the Buccaneer race
- Their blood is special and seems to be sentient of it's own, that's how Kuma could still move
- All the Pacifiasta's stop listening to Saturn and start walking towards the center of the island where Saturn is
- The Pacifista's then talk all as one, it's Kuma who is talking
- Saturn is shocked
- Chapter ends with all Pacifista's attacking Saturn and blowing him up
If this doesn't happen, you know what I'm doing


I will never forgive Oda
Did coc give him extra speed?

Had he used asura after he figured out king's weakness, he would have beaten king.

Zoro didn't even beat king btw. King threw away his invincibility advantage for no reason when he even knew zoro was on a fucking timer.

Zoro using asura has always been treated like a very demonic entity. So king would have did the same thing he did when zoro unlocked acoc. Throwing away his invincibility for no reason other than irrational fear. And the end result would have been the same.
I don’t have Asura as above Dragon Damnation, so I don’t see that ever one shotting King and I don’t see Zoro easily or quickly landing much damage on King throughout the fight to start with.


Lazy is the way
One day maybe i will appear in this section :endthis:
Do it :beckmoji:
1105: Buccaneer blood
- Vegapunk talks more about the Buccaneer race
- Their blood is special and seems to be sentient of it's own, that's how Kuma could still move
- All the Pacifiasta's stop listening to Saturn and start walking towards the center of the island where Saturn is
- The Pacifista's then talk all as one, it's Kuma who is talking
- Saturn is shocked
- Chapter ends with all Pacifista's attacking Saturn and blowing him up
would be dope lol