When I'm talking about racism, I'm ALWAYS talking about systemic racism
good for you. not the case with other people necessarily, so might want to make that clear in the future when you talk about it and people just assume its "racism" without a prefix.
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No. Here you are not just disagreeing. You are also not understanding the point.
bruh, its not like your points are hard to get. they usually just suck ass
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When you say "correctly" you put a value on the good usage of words
no im not
why they are not a reliable source of knowledge
bruh no one said they are a scource of knowledge lmao.

you really have to stop putting words into peoples mouths, making baseless random retarded assumptions left and right.
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No. We are not born racist, we become racist.
and then those people who became racist are racist. you can become racist through other means than suffering from systemic oppression. and this systemic oppression is still highly dependent on location.
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not sure whether im sad or happy about him becoming president again. it will be an entertainment fest, thats for sure
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no u


Cope Doctor
bruh no one said they are a scource of knowledge lmao.

you really have to stop putting words into peoples mouths, making baseless random retarded assumptions left and right.
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and then those people who became racist are racist. you can become racist through other means than suffering from systemic oppression. and this systemic oppression is still highly dependent on location.
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not sure whether im sad or happy about him becoming president again. it will be an entertainment fest, thats for sure
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no u
If he wasnt zionist he would be perfect. I hope he cleans CIA FBI and all other shit.
good for you. not the case with other people necessarily, so might want to make that clear in the future when you talk about it and people just assume its "racism" without a prefix.
In the usage, when people of color talk about racism its ONLY about systemic racism. So no. in usage, I don't have to necessaraly make it clear in the future. Those who really fight the problem of racism know what we are talking about. Only those who don't understand the concept of systemic racism talk about racism when it come to individual racism.

Again, the problem is systemic racism, not individual racism which is just a reactance process of that oppression.

you can become racist through other means than suffering from systemic oppression.
Racism is primarily a specific system of oppression created in the purpose of hierachizing people of color. So the two way to be racist are only the ones of being on the side of the oppressions or in reactance to this system of oppression.
this systemic oppression is still highly dependent on location.
No. Systemic racism against people of color is a systemic oppression system that is uncompassing the entire world and can vary in function of the nations systems.

The only way for you to create another type of racism would be to create an entirely new civilisation on another planet and see which ethnicity finally oppresses the other. In our world its simply impossible. We are too connected.

bruh, its not like your points are hard to get. they usually just suck ass
Then it means that you don't understand them because no, they don't "suck *ss"
But you can keep telling yourself that and keep wondering why during your life, you will encounter leftist people that tells you that you are actually helping the conservatists.

This is not a debate, this is a fact. Using the word "Correctly" means that you consider that there is a right way and a wrong way to use words. This is moral value.

bruh no one said they are a scource of knowledge lmao.

you really have to stop putting words into peoples mouths, making baseless random retarded assumptions left and right.
No telling that you said that. "I'm" saying that.

not sure whether im sad or happy about him becoming president again.
and voila :kayneshrug:
In the usage, when people of color talk about racism its ONLY about systemic racism.
not at all
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Again, the problem is systemic racism, not individual racism which is just a reactance process of that oppression
both are a problem, and the last part is still not true in all cases. thats just shortsighted mumbojumbo. like most of what you are saying
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No. Systemic racism against people of color is a systemic oppression system that is uncompassing the entire world and can vary in function of the nations systems.

The only way for you to create another type of racism would be to create an entirely new civilisation on another planet and see which ethnicity finally oppresses the other. In our world its simply impossible. We are too connected.
asian people in asian country X may be racist towards asian people in country Y. or they are racist towards black people, or white people, or latino people.

my family is portuguese, never suffered any systemic oppression and were still crazy racist towards black people, german people, turkish people. . . until some of my non-racist family members started having partners of the above mentioned ethnicities.

im sure you can find some majority black countries where they are racist towards non-black people. there are also the black hebrew israelites that are racist due to religious ideology.

get out and touch some grass my dude.
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This is not a debate, this is a fact. Using the word "Correctly" means that you consider that there is a right way and a wrong way to use words. This is moral value.
no its not lmao. and i literally explained before how i dont even necessarily favor the definitions, as with gender. words meanings has nothing to do with moral value. you are just talking out of your ass again and pushing nonsense on me that simply isnt true.
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No telling that you said that. "I'm" saying that.
bruh you arent making any sense.
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might wanna read what i posted after that. i will enjoy the entertainment factor of it and thats it. as bad as trump is, he is kind of hilarious sometimes, and the media shit will also be hilarious.
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Yes mate. Yes. Its always about this type of racism. Why do you think racialized people are fighting ?

and the last part is still not true in all cases.
Yes it is

thats just shortsighted mumbojumbo. like most of what you are saying
I'm sure it is from your point of view.

both are a problem
Nop. One problem is creating the other.

asian people in asian country X may be racist towards asian people in country Y
You are confusing xenophobia with racism. Yes Asian country might be xenophobe, but not racist. Again, racism is a system of domination first and foremost. Until you don't understand that, you won't understand racism as a problem and you will think that any one can be racist with everyone
racist towards black people, german people, turkish people
Racist toward black people yes. Not against german and turkish. Again, you are confusing being xenophobic and being racist. When you are racist you promote the ideology of racism. This is not what happen when you discriminate german and turkish people, this is just xenophobia. Still a problem,but not the same nature.

some majority black countries where they are racist towards non-black people.
You will find discriminations and xenophobias. Not racism. Again, you need to understand what racism is and what it is not. Racism is not just the hate of everything. Its a specific kind of hate based on a system of oppression that was (and still is) aimed at people of color in order to deligitimize them.

get out and touch some grass my dude.
Don't worry about that

no its not lmao. and i literally explained before how i dont even necessarily favor the definitions, as with gender. words meanings has nothing to do with moral value. you are just talking out of your ass again and pushing nonsense on me that simply isnt true.
You are just wiggling around in order to justify your statement and refuse to accept that you are wrong.
Once you say the word "using correctly" you are using a moral value standard on the "things" we must -from your point of view - use "correctly". There is no getting around this one. Sorry.

You told me that you used the words "correctly", therefore anything in usage that is not what you judge as "correct" is incorrect by logic.
And this value is wrong by essence.

bruh you arent making any sense.
No, you are just not understanding it.

he is kind of hilarious sometimes, and the media shit will also be hilarious.
Anti LGBTQ reforms
Anti Muslim reforms
Anti healthcare reforms
Pro gun defenses
The defense of racist and crypto fascist
Anti women reforms
Pro rich and proliberalism reforms

Yes mate. Yes. Its always about this type of racism. Why do you think racialized people are fighting ?
i didnt say they are not talking about that. just that they arent solely talking about this form of racism. lol
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Don't worry about that
obviously i dont, but you should
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Anti LGBTQ reforms
Anti Muslim reforms
Anti healthcare reforms
Pro gun defenses
The defense of racist and crypto fascist
Anti women reforms
Pro rich and proliberalism reforms

i didnt call any of these hilarious. so nice strawman again. almost like thats your modus operandi
Yes Asian country might be xenophobe, but not racist. Again, racism is a system of domination first and foremost. Until you don't understand that, you won't understand racism as a problem and you will think that any one can be racist with everyone
You have a strange definition if racism. Also you're implying that all Asians are the same race which they are definitely not.
You have a strange definition if racism. Also you're implying that all Asians are the same race which they are definitely not.
  1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
RACISM Definition & Usage Examples | Dictionary.com

  1. an aversion or hostility to, disdain for, or fear of foreigners, people from different cultures, or strangers:Xenophobia and nationalism can be seen as a reaction to the rise of globalization.
  2. fear or dislike of the customs, dress, etc., of people who are culturally different from oneself:Learning a foreign language can help to overcome xenophobia.
XENOPHOBIA Definition & Usage Examples | Dictionary.com

xenophobia and racism sometimes go hand in hand.
he is kind of hilarious sometimes, and the media shit will also be hilarious.

kinda wanna see trump win just to see the liberals seethe and flume

like to see cnn crying for three years straight will be nothing short of joy

besides biden is too senile to rule anything, id rather have aoc as president then that old bafoon
just that they arent solely talking about this form of racism. lol
When they are talking about the racism they face, yes, they are.

i didnt call any of these hilarious. so nice strawman again. almost like thats your modus operandi
Not saying you said that either. Just comparing your statement with what Trump would do in office.

You have a strange definition if racism. Also you're implying that all Asians are the same race which they are definitely not.
Races does not exist. There are only racialized people.

You have a strange definition if racism
Racism is an ideology that was created as a system of domination and hierarchization of people of color compared to white people.

kinda wanna see trump win just to see the liberals seethe and flume
There is no reasons of wanting the far right to win unless ones agree to its ideas.