[FNZ] Super Role Madness Re:Zero: Starting Life in Mafia

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The translator says
'Fiiiiiiiinnneee. But If I can't spite you or Flower I need to find someone else then lol XD'
This makes from the binary post the only game related thing posted by Random.

Not today, but I want some real content from you Random.
NGL been a busy day, had to pay rent then drop 600$ on a new phone that doesnt have a dead battery. So good thing you said not today, because I havent kept track lol
First of all, what watch are you talking about?
Second of all if you’re gonna spin a narrative at least get it right, as it is quite evident by my posts that there’s many hours between your offhand comment and me doing something.
Fuji was the one I asked who he wanted me to give an opinion on, which was at the time JG and Orw.

You had absolutely no influence on my activity.
half your post up until that point was jargon
you actually attempted to play afterwards . whether that change was due to my question or fuji's is of little consequence tbh .

Be honest, is me struggling for content actually alignment indicative?
I’m historically a weak D1 player regardless of alignment.

honestly even whilst you struggle to contribute you maintain some thread presence somewhat . not so much so far. i dont think its a fair excuse. has to be the third person to say that now.

And the way you’re spinning this is that I am trying to latch onto other players’ content in hopes that I’ll get a freebie.
All you’re doing is just shading atp.

cc what?
I’ve got nothing to counter claim?
I never made such spin that you are latching on to other player's content , what I actually implied was you were struggling to latch onto anything which you just admitted above.

shading? I will do one better
I think you are a criminal.

cc as in copy (email/slack)
work habit


The End and the Beginning
Idk, this post kinda gives me weird vibes Ratchet
Isn’t the whole point to give Luka reason to believe you’re town?

this reads like you’re not interested in fleshing out your thoughts, at least in a vacuum.
I'm interested in solving the game - I believe I've given my thoughts in this case ample explanation, if that's not enough for Luka then that's ultimately on him. After all, it is *his* job to find me as Town.
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