Speculations Captain Eustass's Kid Fate

Chapter 1079, concludes reading: "On this day in the New World by Elbaf, the Kid Pirate Crew led by Eustass "Captain" Kid, a man worth three billion, was completely eradicated".

Reading many posts in this forum, we agree that we have not seen the last of Kid. Instead, this thread argues that potentially he will join the Blackbeard Pirates and play a role in a future Shanks battle.

Eustass Kid is an antagonist

Eustass Kid was introduced in Chapter 498 at the Sabaody Archipelago, at the same time Luffy arrived. He is described as the lead bounty member of the Eleven Supernovas due to the high number of civilian casualties he caused. He exceeded Luffy's bounty at the time.

Eustass Kid's introduction was meant to portray him as a villain. Thus far, he has allied with Luffy to bring down Kaido and Big Mom, deviating from that introduction. However, he remains a cruel and vindictive pirate who is not at the least in concert with One Piece's "good" or "possible redemption" line of characters.

"On our journey up to this point, we've been laughed at and ridiculed whenever we mentioned getting our hands on the One Piece. And each time that happened, I slaughtered everyone who laughed. But what lies ahead is a sea of death for those who don't get the guts to mention it. Let's meet again in the New World!" (Ch. 505)

Eustass Kid is based on Captain Kidd who is said to be the most unfortunate pirate ever to sail the seas. "As the Adventure Galley sailed down the Thames, Kidd unaccountably failed to salute a Navy yacht at Greenwich, as custom dictated. The Navy yacht then fired a shot to make him show respect, and Kidd's crew responded with an astounding display of impudence". Fits the role perfectly!

Eustass Kid Fate - a rematch with Shanks?

The annihilation of the Kid Pirates has a purpose. First, it resonates with the bad luck mentioned above. Second, Kid is not on par with Luffy in the race to One Piece and assumes a secondary role. The eradication of the Kid Pirates leads to the possibility of him joining another crew. The only crew that fits the description are the Blackbeard Pirates, as told by many in this forum.

Eustass Kid being part of the Blackbeard Pirates, could have one last shot against Shanks.


Eustass Kid is an engaging character, who is yet to make his final appearance. He remains a cruel and vindictive character as first introduced, in contrast with One Piece -or Luffy's- ideals. He might be pushed to remind us why he is labeled as such, and joining Blackbeard's crew might just accomplish this.

Thank you for reading my thread and hope you enjoyed it.
I think so too. Kid even talked about the evil of the Celestial Dragons on Sabaody. Teach is bound to target them at some point, just as his rolemodel Xebec did. Kid and BB will take down Shanks and then move on to the other CDs. Kuzan will probably switch sides and fight with the RHP against BBP. Kid will be very angry. It will remind him of Apo's betrayal. He will take on the former Admiral, and beat him with Coating.


A man, my son 🌊
Chapter 1079, concludes reading: "On this day in the New World by Elbaf, the Kid Pirate Crew led by Eustass "Captain" Kid, a man worth three billion, was completely eradicated".

Reading many posts in this forum, we agree that we have not seen the last of Kid. Instead, this thread argues that potentially he will join the Blackbeard Pirates and play a role in a future Shanks battle.

Eustass Kid is an antagonist

Eustass Kid was introduced in Chapter 498 at the Sabaody Archipelago, at the same time Luffy arrived. He is described as the lead bounty member of the Eleven Supernovas due to the high number of civilian casualties he caused. He exceeded Luffy's bounty at the time.

Eustass Kid's introduction was meant to portray him as a villain. Thus far, he has allied with Luffy to bring down Kaido and Big Mom, deviating from that introduction. However, he remains a cruel and vindictive pirate who is not at the least in concert with One Piece's "good" or "possible redemption" line of characters.

"On our journey up to this point, we've been laughed at and ridiculed whenever we mentioned getting our hands on the One Piece. And each time that happened, I slaughtered everyone who laughed. But what lies ahead is a sea of death for those who don't get the guts to mention it. Let's meet again in the New World!" (Ch. 505)

Eustass Kid is based on Captain Kidd who is said to be the most unfortunate pirate ever to sail the seas. "As the Adventure Galley sailed down the Thames, Kidd unaccountably failed to salute a Navy yacht at Greenwich, as custom dictated. The Navy yacht then fired a shot to make him show respect, and Kidd's crew responded with an astounding display of impudence". Fits the role perfectly!

Eustass Kid Fate - a rematch with Shanks?

The annihilation of the Kid Pirates has a purpose. First, it resonates with the bad luck mentioned above. Second, Kid is not on par with Luffy in the race to One Piece and assumes a secondary role. The eradication of the Kid Pirates leads to the possibility of him joining another crew. The only crew that fits the description are the Blackbeard Pirates, as told by many in this forum.

Eustass Kid being part of the Blackbeard Pirates, could have one last shot against Shanks.


Eustass Kid is an engaging character, who is yet to make his final appearance. He remains a cruel and vindictive character as first introduced, in contrast with One Piece -or Luffy's- ideals. He might be pushed to remind us why he is labeled as such, and joining Blackbeard's crew might just accomplish this.

Thank you for reading my thread and hope you enjoyed it.
What ya’ll make of this thread? Agree? Disagree? @Boundless @Pantheos @ReggieZoldyck21 @Useless_Kidd

Personally, I’ve always wanted to see if there would be a three-way war in Elbaf for the road poneglyth/supremacy. The actors involved would be Luffy, Kidd, and Shanks (with Blackbeard coming in to interrupt).

I don’t know if Kidd would be the type to resort to joining someone’s crew like that, but he may be left with no other choice other than biding his time.
What ya’ll make of this thread? Agree? Disagree? @Boundless @Pantheos @ReggieZoldyck21 @Useless_Kidd

Personally, I’ve always wanted to see if there would be a three-way war in Elbaf for the road poneglyth/supremacy. The actors involved would be Luffy, Kidd, and Shanks (with Blackbeard coming in to interrupt).

I don’t know if Kidd would be the type to resort to joining someone’s crew like that, but he may be left with no other choice other than biding his time.
Before Egghead and Kidd getting Shank'd, I always thought there were would be a sort of war or Davy Back Fight kind of competition between the Straw Hats, Hearts and Kidd Pirates and maybe the other Supernovas who got to the last poneglyph or Lode Star Island. But after seeing Kidd and Law's crews get btfo by the yonko, it doesn't seem likely anymore sadly. There's still a chance it might happen if they get their act together at Elbaf and their crews survived. Its kind of hard to determine what Kidd's fate will be since he got btfo the hardest.

I imagine that Kidd will either returns as an ally to Luffy and the rest against Blackbeard but then he will pull a Squard and betray them just so he can try to assassinate Shanks (if he shows up) when his guard is down and get his payback, and if not that, I can imagine Kidd being in a dejected state and needing motivation from the Straw Hats to get back into action and recover his confidence.

Kidd as part of the Blackbeard Pirates would be interesting and he doesn't have many options considering his ship and crew were decimated. Its a good matchup since both he and Blackbeard have it out for Shanks, so it seems like a good alliance, and Kidd may end up acting as Luffy's secret ally within the Blackbeard pirates. There's also a chance that both Law and Kidd will instead team up with Cross Guild or join the Straw Hat Grand Fleet... if Oda ever bothers to use them at all that is.:lusalty:

And while I'm on the subject of Cross Guild, I expect the remaining Supernovas will either become part of Cross Guild or Blackbeard's crew eventually, and Bege wanting to assasinate Buggy or Blackbeard to cause more chaos in the New World is always a welcome sight.
The fact that he might play a role later on.
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Bro is dead. Let him rot in peace. :saden:
Think so? I find it hard that he does not make another appearance.
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Kidd will kill Shanks at the end of Elbaf
That is my take as well. Blackbeard will play a role too.
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What ya’ll make of this thread? Agree? Disagree? @Boundless @Pantheos @ReggieZoldyck21 @Useless_Kidd

Personally, I’ve always wanted to see if there would be a three-way war in Elbaf for the road poneglyth/supremacy. The actors involved would be Luffy, Kidd, and Shanks (with Blackbeard coming in to interrupt).

I don’t know if Kidd would be the type to resort to joining someone’s crew like that, but he may be left with no other choice other than biding his time.
I agree that Kid might not be joining another Crew despite the thread insinuation. He is an important character after all to be "under the wings" of another Pirate. I love the idea of a three-way war with the last poneglyph as the prize.
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Kid would be really useful in keeping Shanks from the main conflict.

Say Oda brings back Kid and makes him stronger, strong enough to fight Shanks.

The point of Shanks seems to be that he is the last yonko Luffy needs to surpass. Even after beating Kaido, Shanks still doesn’t want to see him.

So, the only logical time for the two to reunite is after Luffy beats Teach.
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What if Shanks vs Teach never happens? Teach is completely beaten by Luffy, Law, and some other allies.

Shanks tries to do something but gets stalled outside of elbaf by Kid. By the time Shanks defeats Kid, Teach has been beaten. Shanks and Luffy reunite, with Shanks being set up as the villain of Lodestar, Luffy’s final obstacle.
What ya’ll make of this thread? Agree? Disagree? @Boundless @Pantheos @ReggieZoldyck21 @Useless_Kidd

Personally, I’ve always wanted to see if there would be a three-way war in Elbaf for the road poneglyth/supremacy. The actors involved would be Luffy, Kidd, and Shanks (with Blackbeard coming in to interrupt).

I don’t know if Kidd would be the type to resort to joining someone’s crew like that, but he may be left with no other choice other than biding his time.
1) Kidd is never going to join blackbeard's crew. His will and belief in his own crew is too strong for him to do that. And blackbeard would never be able to control him. The only scenario I can possibly see with Blackbeard/Kidd, is forming a temporary alliance to target a base, a fleet or something like that, to present Kidd with an opportunity to face Shanks 1v1.

People forget, he was the first supernova to meet Kaido. He easily could have given up and submitted to Kaido. But instead, when facing impossible odds, he decided to fight to the death. Kaido himself couldn't break his will and he respected Kidd's decision because of that.

2) I do kinda agree with the point about "Kidd being an antagonist." I think this will be more pronounced when we get to Elbaf.

Does anyone else realize we have a potential conflict setup between luffy/kidd due to their relationships with shanks?

We know Kidd grew up on an unaffiliated island that gangs running it. After his first love Victoria was killed, he united his future crew's gangs and took down the largest gang at the island. I have a feeling shanks may have some connection to that gang that caused Victoria's death.

Ever since that point Kidd has been hellbent on going after shanks. Towards the beggining of the story, we saw he even formed an alliance to take down Shanks.

Since then,

1) He encountered the red hair pirates intially and only met the crew and lost his arm. We don't know the circumstances for that instance.

2) He unknownlingly encountered Shanks...outside of elbaf and lost everything. [He was hit with an acoc divine departure, I feel this will also play a role, because we've know since Wano that kidd has conquerors and it wasn't something Oda expanded on at Wano, however I believe it will be relevant now at elbaf and onwards. Oda clearly had a reason for mentioning it then.]

He will encounter Shanks a 3rd time.

And also just looking at the two characters there are too many similarities for it not be intentional.

Both missing a left arm, both have red hair, both have a scar on their left eye, both are conquerors....

And interestingly Shanks even makes a comment when reading info about Kidd, realizing hes from South blue. I don't believe Shanks would have mentioned this if he doesn't have a connection to the South Blue which relates back to my first point about Kidd's life when he was young.

Another interesting point to add to all of this, is that Oda has never allowed Kidd to have direct dialogue Shanks. I believe this is intentional.

2) There are number of things that can happen to Kidd from this point on.

2a) Kidd is rescued by someone, possibly a giant(Loki), his ship's klabautermann(Victoria), or a completely new character(burned man?)

- The first two are the most likely

- Burned man is a possbility. Everyone has been saying its dragon, seems far too obvious of an option, I personally believe its a new character or an older character from the previous generations, like someone from rogers crew or something like that.

- As for the third theory, its not too believeable, but there is potential, make of it what you will [Davy Jones?is he the burned man?]

2b) At some point KIdd will encounter the strawhats. How will Luffy/Kidd interact? I believe there will be conflict once Kidd learns about Luffy's relationship with Shanks. Luffy respects and admires Shanks immensely, meanwhile Kidd wants to defeat and take down Shanks. We don't know exactly the reasoning behind Kidd's animosity towards to shanks, but we will, eventually. Both Luffy and Kidd have undying will. I believe Kidd/Luffy will fight.

2c) Thirdly, I believe Shanks and Kidd will eventually fight again. Clearly there is some sort of connection that the two of them have that Oda has been hinting about.

A good video related to this:

3) Some other interesting points.

3a) Connections to elbaf and Vegapunk?

3b) Now we know that the giants are at egghead, maybe they will have some ineteresting dialogue with the strawhats about what happened at elbaf. I'd actually be curious to see what Luffy's reaction would be.


Kidd will leave his mark on the story in a big way
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Oda doesn't have the balls to turn a former friend into a villain/threat unless it's obvious they are just pretending like aokiji.

Luffy killing kid after kid kills a SH would be PERFECT.


The Rogue Prince
Even if Kidd joins the BBPs, i dont believe Kidd vs Shanks will have precedence over Blackbeard vs Shanks. So odds are Kidd will again get hypetooled by Shanks before he goes on to fight Teach... even in your scenario.