Spoiler One Piece Chapter 984 Spoilers Discussion

Who will Yamato-Chan fight?

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RIP Luffy wankers

Post Udon Luffy with advanced CoA
Luffy boys: he mid diffs King right now. And low diff Jack!!

- got white eyed by Apoo
- need G4 against Ulti
- hit Page One but he is fine
- got stalled by no bloodlust Yamato
Page One is fine because luffy needs gear 4 for him to, its not just Ulti. But yea.... Luffy has been getting humbled honestly..... But he never really even showed that he could defeat yonko commanders by himself. We have yet to see that.


Bald Spoiler Provider
Luffy needs to stop fkin around and go G4 everytime now. Time and time again G3 fails and he never fkin learns. I hope he gets knocked out again like with apoo.
Page One is fine because luffy needs gear 4 for him to, its not just Ulti. But yea.... Luffy has been getting humbled honestly..... But he never really even showed that he could defeat yonko commanders by himself. We have yet to see that.
Fucking stop it... Luffy has Grizzly Magnum, Elephant Gatling, Red Hawk, etc...

He needed Gear 4 to one-shot beasts in Amazon Lily too. They weren't commander level.
Then how going win the war if you can't take your enemy down for hours or days as Luffy did to Lucci? They need to take them out or they get simple get the problem that the flyers and calamity stand up again and again while the alliance losing mor energy and men power.
By Killing them, most of the beast pirates are evil, the samurais who suffered so much are not going to play child games they are here to kill the beast pirates.
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