
A man, my son 🌊
How do you even get busted?
I've been around long enough to see how this trend works, more or less.

1) First you'll normally see 1-2 leakers per region set up operation and begin collecting scans from illegal stores. They have to be small-time with little to no proxies as that reduces risk of attention.

2) At some point in time, they will eventually get sloppy and fail to cover their tracks during the leakings of one or two chapters. That tips off the police and they're now on their radar.

3) The police wait until it's normally a break week before the raid. That's usually a good opportunity to catch them before they move or realize something is up. They may also wait for an accumulation of sequential spoilers to confirm the activities.

4) A new group takes the mantle, carrying the will and flame forward.

This is a dangerous, competitive game with winners and losers. Those who enter it know exactly what they sign up for and I wouldn't be surprised if there was some insider activity a la "snitch-snitch no mi."

Redon is currently returning to Shueshia HQ as we speak with intelligence on the next targets. Please enjoy your break week.
