
A man, my son 🌊


I posted in the wrong thread again ffs lmao, sorry for the wasted tags CoC and Reloaded!:

@CoC: Color of Clowns @Mr. Reloaded

Title: The Redon Riddle: A One Piece Spoiler Saga

[The scene opens in a dimly lit Japanese police station. Detective Sato, a seasoned officer, stands before a group of detectives gathered for a special mission: to apprehend the elusive One Piece spoiler leaker, Redon, whose antics have baffled authorities for years.]

Detective Sato: Alright team, listen up. Today, we embark on a mission to capture Redon, the sneakiest One Piece spoiler leaker out there. He's eluded us for far too long, but today, we bring him down!

[Cut to Redon's secret hideout, nestled deep within the dense forest. The police team, led by Detective Sato, approaches cautiously, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.]

Detective Sato: Keep your eyes sharp, team. Redon's tricks are as elusive as the One Piece itself.

[They cautiously enter the mansion, greeted by a maze of cardboard cutouts, mystery boxes, and cryptic clues. The walls are adorned with tantalizing hints that lead nowhere.]

Detective Tanaka: What in the world is all this? It's like we've stumbled into a funhouse of confusion.

Detective Suzuki: Redon's playing mind games with us. But we won't be outwitted!

[They press on, determined to unravel Redon's web of deception. Each room presents new challenges—a puzzle box here, a hidden compartment there—all designed to confound and frustrate.]

Detective Sato: Keep your guard up, team. Redon could be hiding anywhere.

[Hours pass, and their frustration mounts as they uncover increasingly absurd clues.]

Detective Tanaka: "The treasure lies where the sea meets the sky"? What kind of riddle is this?

Detective Suzuki: And what's with all these silhouette cutouts? Are we hunting leakers or playing shadow puppets?

[Despite their efforts, Redon remains one step ahead, leaving behind a trail of vague hints and red herrings. As they scour the hideout, they encounter walls adorned with peculiar GIFs plastered like cryptic hieroglyphs.]

Detective Sato: What in the world are these GIFs?

[The GIFs range from dancing skeletons to confused cats, each adding to the surreal ambiance of Redon's hideout.]

Detective Tanaka: Maybe Redon thinks in memes.

Detective Suzuki: Or he's just trying to drive us crazy.

[Their search leads them deeper into the mansion, where they discover a hidden door—a secret basement within the basement—a spunker bunker.]

Detective Tanaka: This must be the heart of Redon's operation. Let's proceed with caution.

[They descend into the dimly lit bunker, their flashlights flickering in the darkness. At the far end of the room, they see a figure hunched over a computer—a figure they never expected to encounter.]

Detective Sato: Freeze, Redon! You're under arrest!

[The figure slowly turns around, revealing a familiar face—a face that sends shockwaves through the team.]

Detective Suzuki: Wait... that's... Oda-sensei?!

[The room falls silent as they grapple with the revelation that the mastermind behind the spoilers was none other than the creator himself.]

Oda: Surprise, surprise! You finally caught me, but not as you expected.

Detective Sato: But why, Oda-sensei? Why would you stoop to such levels?

Oda: Ah, my dear detectives, it was all part of the grand tapestry of One Piece. I needed to keep the flames of curiosity burning bright, even if it meant donning the cloak of Redon.

Detective Tanaka: But what about the fans, Oda-sensei? They trusted you!

Oda: And they should continue to trust me. After all, isn't the journey just as important as the destination?

[As the detectives lead Oda away in handcuffs, the camera pans out, leaving viewers to ponder the true depths of the One Piece universe—and the enigmatic mind of its creator.]
Damn you cooked. More than enough to satiate our appetite for the week.


CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
I know this is tragic news for some - but we oldies are going back home - the times of manga stream, leaks on thursday and chapter on friday - the good old days.


I was nodding in agreement until I scrolled down and now my 31 year old ass is moaning at how fucking old I feel.

Hello fellow kids! Wano Act 4 soon! They had to stop the leakers before they revealed it!