Why didn't the laser, which is depicted as extremely lethal and capable of bypassing all durability, manage to break through Sanji's boot and destroy it?
Which of the following options do you suggest happened:
1st - Sanji's boot durability is capable of resisting the laser without even being damaged.
2nd - Sanji coated the boot with basic Armament Haki.
3rd - The third would be Sanji's natural durability; however, it's not possible since he was affected by the laser. The other reason is that the laser didn't even damage his boot, so it didn't reach his leg or foot.
I may be misinterpreting the panels in the scene where Sanji is pierced. Unlike how Oda portrayed Kuma, Atlas, Franky having the laser passing through their bodies, the laser isn't seen passing through Sanji's body, and subsequently, Sanji's shirt is seen intact as if it hadn't been pierced. Interpretation aside, what do you think Sanji used to stop the laser?
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