@Jaguark101 since my role is in the thread I can give you a direct example of how to claim:
Passive - Merchant] - As a former merchant, Otto can create a simple 1-shot base ability once per cycle and gift it to a player through Ways of a Merchant. Otto creates the ability during the DP. All of Otto's abilites in Ways of a Merchant cannot be traded.
This^ would become the following:
"I have a Merchant Passive which lets me create a standard ability that I can gift to another player later"
[Passive - Head of Internal Affairs] - Otto is the Head of Internal Affairs. His X-shots cannot be forcefully taken or disabled.
This^ would become this:
"I have a Passive called Head of Internal Affairs which prevents my x-shot abilities from being stolen or diabled"
And so on. This is how you claim.