Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 12.9%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.4%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 8 4.9%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 101 62.0%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 21 12.9%

  • Total voters
I tried and reaffirmed my belief that productive and fair conversations cannot be had with dissenting ideologues in thsi forum regardless of the fact you can have agreements for disagreements.

Unless you force it to be fair through regulations
I knew it all along. But I took the bait from Zenos7 lol
He said Gay sex is natural. Then he flipped the script on me when I said necrophilia, pedophilia and so on is also natural. But later he said justifying something through nature is naturallistic fallacy 💀 Like bro whattt

Lolis the clueless didn't even get past the rebellion arc, he doesn't know who tf is Kanki.
My bad, I didnt know he is Lolis. Lolis detected, opinion rejected 🗿
These discussions ought to be in controlled environment or people can't really call bullshit for what it is and dissuade any psudo-scholar from yappin
Al Sama gave up, who else can vouch? 💀
Percy Jackson is a book for like... 12 year olds lol. I enjoyed them though when i read them years ago. if it was 3000 pages it was probably a special edition with all books in the first series. It's a good gateaway series to "real fantasy"
my gateway to fantasy was Warrior Cats and what a read that was too bad i didnt go back to it earlier before that it was ROAL DAHL (author Charlie and the Chocolate factory and Danny the Champion ) this takes ME BACK.. I don't regret not read Harry Potter.

Speaking of which, I recently had a chance to pay a book store away from my house a visit (never happens) and all I could find was Harry Potter which stood out coz of the stacks.
I ended up buying an old classic from Dickens "Tales of 2 Cities" and one piqued my interest.. Almost sounds like a mixture of Skamoto days and Spy X fam from the blurb called "The Secret Agent" by Joseph Cornard

The rest of the stuff there, i don't wanna generalise but, it was too pink for me 🗿any book i'd touch i'd be told its romance or just sexual.