Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 12.6%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.2%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 8 4.8%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 105 62.9%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 21 12.6%

  • Total voters


We should have gotten at least a couple of panels with Zoro and Lucci actually landing hits on one another, not just talk fighting like a couple of peacocks like what we've been getting so far.
Zoro obviously never went all out. No bandana = not trying
And i hate Zoro and his fans, but thats a fact.
It has nothing to do with the agenda you moron
The things I mentioned above are stupid as hell but Zoro's bandana represents his mindset
The bandana per se doesn’t make him stronger
You’re twisting the truth because you know that I’m right
It’s just a waste of time to discuss something with you
I think I can see through you. Lmfao. Lets see:

breath scaling=Zoro huffing and puffing and weezing against Lucci - :pepeanger:
height scaling= Hmmmm 1cm height difference between Zoro>Sanji and.....Shanks>Mihawk?-:pepeanger:

sweat scaling= Zoro panels sweating against Lucci-:pepeanger:

bandana scaling= "Nooooo....You see Zoro wasn't actually serious all these 16 chapters of huffing and puffing and weezing he was just stalling Lucci whilst a admiral and a world elder and many vice admirals and BB pirates all fucked up shit, he totally would've 1 shotted Lucci if he got serious and put the bandana on" -:pepelit:

Lmfaooo. The only one wasting time here is me. With you. I guess you're just another standard Zorotard that hates all the weezing and huffing the boys been doing and people drawing the logical and obvious conclusion that his struggling. That "mindset" shit is just copium. The only thing you're right about is the bandana doesn't make him stronger. And if he had the bandana on against Lucci it wouldn't make a difference in the fight.

A reminder that Sanji blitzed Zoro in this arc.

Zoro's COO got bypassed by Sanji's speed.

What's more, Zoro cannot block basic lasers:

While Sanji can:

If Zoro joins the fight with Kizaru and Sanji, Zoro will be complete deadweight and will not be able to keep up.

@Kurozumi Wiwi @MarineHQ @Extravlad @Pringles @MonsterZoro @Doggo @mly90
You should be a pornstar. Get rich off of all the top tier meat licking you're doing.
Even if you're a man, we luckily have a lot more gay people nowadays.