So you have to deflect away rather than being unable to face the obvious.

And the gorosei being fighters or not has always been hotly debated lol.

Does it make sense at all, given the context of the flashback, that luffy doesn't defeat Saturn?
You keep moving the goalpost to not admit being wrong
First it was Luffy won't even fight Kizaru because he's not relevant enough
Then it was Kizaru won't get up from WSG
And after that it was Luffy will send flying Kizaru to Zoro
Just take your L for once

Kizaruber Eats

Arcane Season 2 SOON!


[The scene opens in the Marine Headquarters, where Admiral Akainu is buried under stacks of paperwork at his desk. Garp, Sengoku, Tsuru, and Fujitora are in the room, going about their duties. Kizaru strolls in with a mischievous glint in his eyes, clearly in a state of mild euphoria.]

Kizaru: [In his laid-back tone] Yo, yo, yo, what's cookin', good-lookin's?

Akainu: [Grunts, buried in paperwork] Don't start, Kizaru. I'm swamped with this paperwork, and I don't have time for your nonsense.

Garp: [Chuckles mischievously] Hey there, Sakazuki! Looks like you've got your hands full!

Sengoku: [Smirks] Indeed, I've never seen your desk buried so deep, Akainu.

Tsuru: [With a stern expression] This paperwork won't complete itself, Sakazuki. Focus.

[Kizaru ignores the serious atmosphere, his mind set on a different track. He pulls out a bag of barbecue seasoning, some meat skewers and a an apron and spatula from seemingly nowhere.]

Kizaru: You know what would make this place a little brighter? Some good ol' barbecue! And since Akainu here's all fired up, why not make use of that heat?

Akainu: [Raises an eyebrow, unamused] Kizaru, I swear...

[Kizaru completely disregards Akainu's annoyance and hops onto Akainu's desk, oblivious to the piles of paperwork.]

Kizaru: Time to fire up the grill! [He starts sprinkling barbecue seasonings and putting some meat skewers on Akainu's head, who looks both irritated and perplexed.]

Akainu: [Growls] Kizaru, get off my desk this instant!

[Fujitora enters the room, guided by his cane, sniffing the air curiously.]

Fujitora: What's that delicious aroma? It smells like... barbecue?

Kizaru: [Grinning] Ah, Fujitora! You've got a good nose, but alas, your eyes deceive you. We're having a magma smoked meat special!

Akainu: [Fuming] This is not a barbecue joint, Kizaru! Get off!

[Tsuru shakes her head disapprovingly, while Garp and Sengoku try to stifle their laughter.]

[Tension mounts as Akainu struggles with his paperwork, his patience wearing thin. Suddenly, the door bursts open, revealing Green Bull, the enigmatic forest Logia user, known for his unconventional tactics.]

Green Bull: [In awe] What's this I smell? Magma smoked meat? Akainu, you culinary genius!

Akainu: [Bewildered] I'm not cooking anything, Green Bull! It's Kizaru's doing!

[Kizaru jumps down from Akainu's desk, grinning.]

Kizaru: Green Bull, my man! You're just in time for the feast! But we need the "King of Smoking" to help us out!

[Smoker enters the room, his expression deadpan as ever. Kizaru immediately pounces on him.]

Kizaru: Smoker, buddy! We need your expertise in smoking! We've got a volcano on standby!

Smoker: [Rolls his eyes] You guys are unbelievable.

Garp: [Chuckles heartily] Sakazuki, you might have found a new talent! Who knew you were a natural-born chef?

[Amidst the chaos, laughter fills the room as Akainu struggles to maintain order amidst his unintentional barbecue party on his own desk.]

FML this is making me hungrier right now lmao.
The giants ain't gonna fight Kizaru though...
The giants aren't important.

The main character beating the main villain. Only a controversial opinion to admiral tards.

"Y-you will have a meltdown when [something completely unrelated to my post]"
See? Deflecting.
You were the one who deflected first.

You even ran away for several months after wsg. So this cartoon obviously means a lot more to you than it should a normal mentally stable person.