General & Others Kizaru, Lucci, Seraphim, Gorosei nobody really went down

Kizaru, Lucci, Seraphim, Gorosei None of them really took definitive L this arc. This shit was just preview for final war.

If you look at all the big Post timeskip arcs dressosa,WCI,Wano it clear when Major bad guys people get defeated either by the KO +Announcement by fodder or description next chapter or both.

Kizaru- Basically was ignoring Luffy all arc, mentally turmoil and was not in your traditional 1 v 1 where Luffy wins the fight. In fact Luffy only grabs him for his last attack because Kizaru is chasing Sanji. He wasn't KO And is talking about his mental shit. Oda doesn't make Luffy defeat major bad guys by sneaking. Also none of the Marines are saying Kizaru lost like they typically say for example Rob Lucci losing in Enies Lobby

Lucci- get sent flying but he says the samething he said in Enies Lobby and that fight wasn't finish. Then Zoro cuts him, he heavily injured but he still up.

Seraphim- Literally went down to bubble guns they wasn't defeated at all.

Gorosei- not defeated at all

Even Kaku went down offscreen, but not to Strawhats or someone on their side. He went down to getting jumped by Seraphim.

This arc seems to be just setting up and previewing the last Saga.

Blackbeard Pirates and Shanks Pirates
The threat of the WG and their new weapon(mother flame) + Seraphim+Gorosei +Cp0

Its especially makes sense because this is escape arc.

ELBALF WILL BE THE ARC OF REAL CONCLUSIVE FIGHTS. Cause i doubt thats going to be escape arc and with Vegapunk Announcement the world going to be in chaos